“I used to love Tomm Hartman. But as a social psychologist who has worked as a Court Appointed Special Advocate for foster children and an advocate for victims of sexual assault, I have to say his stance on vaccine mandates and passports is disgusting. I have worked for years to convince shattered children and women that NO ONE has a right to control their bodies, that they are whole, sovereign people, whose bodily autonomy was given to them by God and protected by the US Constitution. Just as an abuser’s anger doesn’t give them the right to strike a child, and a rapist’s desire does not give them the right to assault a woman, so too, a hypochondriac’s fear does not give them the right to inject other people with a substance against their will. Forcing people to prove they’ve taken this jab to be “allowed” freedom of movement is fascism (literally, the government in cahoots with corporations are now demanding “papers please”). And the fact that Tomm stays silent when it is delivered by men in white coats carrying hypodermic needles, is grotesque. If we don’t have bodily autonomy, we are nothing but slaves. Shame on you. Moreover, denying other healing modalities including native medicines, Ayurveda, etc. you are behaving like a patriarchal, neocolonial, racist. Have you stopped to ask why 75% of Washington DC’s black population has refused this jab? Do they not know what’s best for their bodies? What about the 99% of some native populations? Do they need to be forcibly injected with white man’s poison to alleviate your fear? This entire charade is just shameful. And I’ve followed you for years, so I know you’re not a thoughtless person. I must conclude that you are bought and paid for by the same big Pharma companies that fund the rest of the media and our politicians. Cheerleading the rise of fascism and apartheid in America will be your legacy.”
COCO Kershul via Apple Podcasts ·
United States of America ·