Published 03/25/24
In this episode we talk with Ignace Nyamagana Butera, a Software Developer, about the PHP League packages that he's created: League CSV, League URI and League Period, which, in order: makes CSV data manipulation much easier in PHP, provides a modern API to process URIs in PHP, and covers all basic manipulations related to time range. Additionally, we address Ignace's positive attitude towards his job and how it helps to have open mindsets like his in the OS maintenance space.
Published 08/12/22
Published 08/12/22
In this episode we talk with Nuno Maduro about the PHP testing framework Pest, a PHP testing framework that focuses on bringing you a more simplified, fluent, and powerful way of writing automated tests.
Published 06/24/22
In this episode we talk with Freek Van der Herten about Spatie's Laravel package Laravel-Backup, which can make a backup of your application to any external storage destination of your choice. You can choose what should be backed up: files from the file system and/or your database, and how often. It also offers helpful features such as monitoring your backups and sending you notifications.
Published 06/10/22
In this episode we talk with Taylor Otwell about the first-party Laravel packages Socialite, Scout, and Sail. Socialite is a tool for authenticating users with other login providers, and makes it easy to add a login with GitHub authentication flow to your application. Scout provides a simple, driver based solution for adding full-text search to your Eloquent models. Finally, Sail is a light-weight command-line interface for interacting with Laravel's default Docker development environment.
Published 05/27/22
In this episode we talk with Joseph Silber about the third-party Laravel package Bouncer, an authorization package which allows the user to quickly create and manage roles and abilities. As an additional note, the lovely outro music--like last time Joseph was on the podcast--was a recording he made himself!
Published 05/13/22
In this episode we talk with Dries Vints about the first-party Laravel package Cashier, which provides an easy, fluent interface to Stripe's subscription billing services. We discuss the two different versions of this package and how to determine which one is best for your needs.
Published 04/29/22
In this episode, we talk with Taylor Otwell about the first-party Laravel auth packages Passport and Sanctum. We discuss the history of how they came to be, their differences, and which of the two might better serve your needs.
Published 04/15/22
In this episode, we talk with Barry vd. Heuvel, creator of Laravel Debugbar. A package provides an overview that allows you to quickly & easily see what’s going on inside your application. We talk about how he got started & various features.
Published 04/01/22
In this episode, Arne Schoenmakers and Patrick Brouwers talk about Spartner’s popular package, Laravel excel. It is a supercharged, simple way to export and import powerful excel data.
Published 03/18/22
In the first episode of season 5, Taylor Otwell joins us to talk about the packages Fortify, Breeze, Jetstream, and Spark. We discuss the differences between each one and which package is a great place to start.
Published 03/04/22
The Laravel Podcast brings you Laravel and PHP development news and discussion. Season 5 consists of Matt Stauffer interviewing the creators of the most popular packages in the Laravel ecosystem.
Published 11/11/21
We all use third party packages in our Laravel applications, and even Laravel itself is composed of packages. But how do they work? How do you pick the best packages? What can packages actually do? In this episode Laravel's most prolific package authors join us and answer these questions and many more.
Published 04/13/21