A guided meditation led by mindfulness teacher and psychotherapist, Danny Ford.
Published 02/21/19
14 minutes A guided meditation on sound. In courses, I teach this listening practice before teaching mindfulness of breathing.
Published 04/15/18
A guided meditation exploring the practice of mindfulness of breathing.
Published 03/16/18
This guided meditation offers a trauma-informed mindfulness practice to support a sense of presence and safety in the face of fear.
Published 11/24/17
A guided meditation inviting your attention to settle into your body and feel breathing at the level of sensation.
Published 11/18/17
Softening tension. Feeling breathing. Opening to the sensations of your body, just as it is.
Published 09/16/17
This meditation talk accompanies the guided meditation from last week’s podcast 30 minute Guided Meditation on Embodied Presence and Love. You may wish to listen to that guided meditation before listening to this talk.
Published 08/11/17
The guided meditation begins with opening to sounds before gently shifting attention to the sensations of breathing. The meditation concludes with a few minutes of metta or loving-kindness practice.
Published 08/05/17
A guided mindfulness meditation, led by psychotherapist and mindfulness teacher, Danny Ford.
Published 07/22/17
A guided meditation for grounding attention in the body and gently inviting relaxation.
Published 07/01/17
A guided meditation on opening to sounds, resting into a spacious awareness, relaxing with the breath and letting yourself be.
Published 06/10/17
Meditation instruction on mindfulness of breathing, feeling breathing in the belly and cultivating embodied presence.
Published 05/20/17
This guided meditation invites you to rest in the naturalness of awareness and simply sense your heart.
Published 04/29/17
Relaxing into your body and sitting with a wakeful posture.
Published 04/15/17
A short meditation inviting you to gently incline your attention to rest in your body, receiving sounds and feeling breathing.
Published 04/01/17
A bell is rung once at the beginning and three times at the end. There is no spoken guidance in this episode.
Published 03/15/17