In this episode, our Special Hosts, Annie Johnson & Camille Garcia-Flores, introduce the process of Transcription.
Published 10/03/21
In this episode, we will explore how cells that replicate actually manage to make two identical copies of your genome in preparation for cell division, so that each of the two new daughter cells generated upon mitosis will end up with a complete and fully faithful copy of the original genome.
Published 10/07/20
In this episode, we will explore what is actually written in our genome, in those 46 molecules of double-stranded DNA that are carried in each of the trillion cells that, together, form your body.
Published 09/06/20
In this, our first episode of the Molecular Cell Biology Podcast, we will explore what motivated me to develop this Podcast and the goals I set for it. I also want to define the role that I want this Podcast to play for you, the listener, and how you can contribute to make this Podcast a real game-changer.
Published 08/27/20
In this episode, we will explore how the carrier of our genetic information, that is our DNA, the whole bunch of it that exists inside our cells, is properly stored inside the nucleus.
Published 08/27/20