Do you really need to spend time choosing podcast categories? Yes. Absolutely! Let me explain why. There are two ways to discover a podcast in a directory like that of Apple Podcasts. The first is to search with a particular term and the second one is to browse through the different podcast categories. Imagine if your podcast about food is buried deep inside the “How to” category on these podcast directories. You have already lost quite a good number of prospective listeners. In this episode,...
Published 12/28/23
Did you know that there are so many hard facts about podcasting that are rarely shared or, told to you? Knowing these facts is extremely critical for the success of your show and to ensure that you know the tricks to succeed. Want to know what these are? Then this episode is for you! More InformationYou can find more information including the show notes and the resources at https://thepodcastinguniversity.com/132 Use my special link - https://thepodcastinguniversity.com/go/zencastr-new/ to...
Published 12/21/23
Podcast directories are one of the ways podcasts are distributed and discovered and every podcast needs to be on these directories if you want to grow. But then which directories are the most important and how do you submit to these directories? That’s what we will discuss in this episode! More InformationYou can find more information including the show notes and the resources at https://thepodcastinguniversity.com/131 Use my special link -...
Published 12/06/23
Is your podcast optimized for podcast discovery? Are your listeners able to find your podcast? If you are struggling with finding listeners for your podcast, then that’s the first question you need to ask. And if you are struggling for answers on how to make your podcast discoverable, then this episode is for you. More InformationYou can find more information including the show notes and the resources at https://thepodcastinguniversity.com/130 Use my special link -...
Published 11/29/23
What are the best podcast hook strategies? How do you hook listeners in the first 60 seconds of a podcast? But before we discuss all of that, let me ask you a question. What’s the goal with your episodes - drive your listeners away or, make them listen to the entire episode? If you are starting your episode with music that goes on for 10 seconds and then a long winding introduction, then you already have everything you need to drive your listeners away. The first 60 seconds is the most...
Published 11/22/23
Want to learn the art of staying motivated in podcasting? Then this episode is for you. Podcasting can become extremely monotonous over a period of time because you are actually doing it solo in your bedroom, literally talking to the walls. This monotony can lead to demotivation and frustration. In such a situation, how to stay motivated as a podcaster? We will discuss some very simple and practical tips to stay motivated in podcasting, in this episode! More InformationYou can find more...
Published 11/08/23
The last 2 weeks or, so saw some updates that have the potential to change the way podcasting works. One of them is related to using AI in podcasting. Want to know about the other two? Then you might want to listen to this week’s episode. More InformationYou can find more information including the show notes and the resources at https://thepodcastinguniversity.com/126 Use my special link - https://thepodcastinguniversity.com/go/zencastr-new/ to save 30% off your first month of any Zencastr...
Published 10/18/23
You want to start a podcast and you have learned everything about getting started by watching some of the videos on YouTube. But wait! There is something even more important to do before you get started. And that is deciding if podcasting is something you are even ready for. In this episode, we will share 6 simple ways you can decide if podcasting is for you. More InformationYou can find more information including the show notes and the resources at...
Published 10/04/23
In this episode, we will look at the top reliable, future-proof, and best podcast hosting platforms 2023. One of the foundations of a successful podcast is a good Podcast hosting platform. Podcasting requires a lot of time and the last thing you want is to deal with unnecessary issues with your episodes and your podcast hosting. You want to focus on your show and not have unnecessary headaches with hosting your episodes. So, if you are just starting off or, planning to move your hosts, then...
Published 09/27/23
Are you a beginner podcaster? Do you want to succeed with your podcast? If so, then these are some mistakes that you absolutely want to avoid. In this video, we'll outline 8 common beginner podcaster mistakes that you need to avoid if you want to have a successful podcast. These 8 mistakes will lead to pod fade (a term used to describe when a podcast starts to lose its listeners) and can eventually damage your podcast. More InformationYou can find more information including the show notes...
Published 09/20/23
A podcast website is a non-negotiable in podcasting. Why? Because most of the action in terms of conversions like email subscribers, sales, etc. all happens on your website. But how do you know if your website will do the job for you? In this episode, we will discuss 8 podcast website best practices to keep in mind when designing a podcast website, for maximum conversions. More InformationYou can find more information including the show notes and the resources at...
Published 09/13/23
How to find time to podcast? This is a question that a lot of beginner podcasters usually have. In fact, a lot of podcasters who get started with their show have this question mid-way through their journey. In this episode, you will learn some simple strategies to find time to podcast. More InformationYou can find more information including the show notes and the resources at https://thepodcastinguniversity.com/120 You can follow me on social media at - Instagram -...
Published 09/05/23
One of the best ways of promoting your podcast episodes is by using social media. But if you thought social media is just about creating an account and posting some pictures, videos or, blocks of text, then you are mistaken. Social media promotions need a thought-out plan which starts even before you have created an account. And in this episode, we will be looking at how to setup your social media account correctly for the most impact. More InformationYou can find more information including...
Published 08/22/23
Did you know that there are better and more effective ways of using music in podcasts, in addition to using them in your podcast intro and outro? Using music in the right way adds to the production value of your show and can help hook your audience. In this episode, we will talk about a few interesting ways of using music in your podcast and how it can help add to the production value. Today’s episode is based on some experimentation and tests that we did on our podcasts and that is why it is...
Published 08/15/23
If you have been looking for the best affiliate networks for podcasters, then this episode is for you. As a podcaster, tapping into the potential of affiliate programs can not only monetize your content but also provide your audience with valuable products and services they'll love. But how do you find good affiliate programs that your audience will love? In this episode, we will look at the 9 best affiliate networks for podcasters that can help podcasters like you find such programs. More...
Published 08/08/23
Do you know what are the best affiliate programs for podcasters? All of us want our podcast to be making some money. And affiliate marketing is the best way we can do that even if you have low downloads. We spoke about the basics of affiliate marketing in the last few episodes and today we are going to get a little more into it and see the 10 best affiliate products and services that you can promote in all kinds of podcasts. More InformationYou can find more information including the show...
Published 08/01/23
Want to learn some effective Podcast Affiliate Marketing Tactics? Then this episode is for you! We discussed affiliate marketing for podcasters in the last couple of episodes. And continuing with the conversation, in this episode, I will share a few simple and effective podcast affiliate marketing tactics that will help you earn more money from your referrals. More InformationYou can find more information including the show notes and the resources at...
Published 07/25/23
A lot of people hear about affiliate marketing and jump in to start promoting products. And fail! Most affiliate marketing efforts end up as a disaster and never generate any commissions. Want to ensure that yours don’t? Then this episode is for you. Today, we're going to discuss the 10 common podcast affiliate marketing mistakes that podcasters or, for that matter most beginner affiliate marketers make when promoting affiliate products, and more importantly, I will tell you some simple...
Published 07/18/23
How to monetize a podcast is a question that most podcasters often ask. In fact, that's a question that most podcasters struggle with finding an answer to. So today we will talk about making money with your podcast. And money-making is always hot. And that makes today’s topic a hot one, particularly because it is about money. Now, one of the best methods of monetizing your podcast even if it has very low downloads and listens is to use affiliate marketing. I am a fan of affiliate marketing...
Published 07/11/23
Podcast legal considerations are a grey area that a lot of podcasters still grapple with! Should you get your guests to sign a consent form before you interview them on your show? Should you put disclaimers about financial advice that you are sharing on your show? What intellectual property rights should you be aware of? These are some very common questions that a lot of podcasters have. But you won't ponder over these questions unless you end up in a difficult situation. So in today's...
Published 07/04/23
In this episode, we look at Podcast Analytics. We discuss what podcast metrics to track, how to use this data to improve your podcast and what are the things that you might want to keep in mind when looking at podcast analytics. Discover how metrics can provide valuable insights into your audience engagement, show growth, and monetization opportunities. More InformationYou can find more information including the show notes and the resources at https://thepodcastinguniversity.com/111 You can...
Published 06/27/23
Mobile podcasting, otherwise called as recording on the go or, while you are moving can be an exciting way of podcasting especially if you are somebody who likes interviewing guests who are otherwise inaccessible for remote recordings or, if you are somebody who likes talking to people while on the field. But recording on the go has its own challenges. If you are somebody who likes recording on the go, then this episode is for you. Today I will share with your some essential pieces of...
Published 06/20/23
Did you know that show notes are an excellent way of gaining more listeners? While a lot of podcasters ignore show notes and transcripts and consider it a waste of time, the fact is that you are leaving out one of the best ways of gaining new listeners. In this episode, you will learn some very simple tips that can get you more out of your show notes and transcripts. More InformationYou can find more information including the show notes and the resources at...
Published 06/13/23
Are you tired of struggling with subpar sound quality in your podcast episodes? Do you want to create a listening experience that captivates your audience from start to finish? If so, then this episode is for you. In this episode we look at audio optimization, revealing the key tips and techniques to take your podcast's sound quality from ordinary to amazing. You will learn 12 simple and proven tips for getting the best-sounding audio for your podcast without putting in additional time for...
Published 06/06/23
The last thing that you want when you are recording your episodes is to forget what you were about to say and mumble. And worse when you are in an interview and you ask an irrelevant question or, forget what question to ask next. That’s where a good script or, an outline comes into play. Having a well-crafted script can make all the difference in engaging your audience and delivering your message with impact. In this episode, we look at the benefits of having a good podcast script or, outline...
Published 05/30/23