Katherine Trebeck | How a 'wellbeing' based economy can save the planet
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Katherine Trebeck presented at the RCS Convergence Conference last July and her compelling session there and this interview centres around the economies of the world, their often misguided methods of measurement and indicators of 'success', and introduces the principles of the 'wellbeing economy', focusing on more human and community-centric measures of success and prosperity. Episode links: Wellbeing Economy Alliance - https://weall.org/ Humankind index - https://policy-practice.oxfam.org/resources/oxfam-humankind-index-the-new-measure-of-scotlands-prosperity-second-results-293743/ The economies of arrival- Ideas for a grown-up economy - https://www.amazon.com.au/economics-arrival-Ideas-grown-up-economy-ebook/dp/B07MCMG2VN Being Bold- Budgeting for Children’s wellbeing - https://childreninscotland.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/BeingBold-Report.pdf The High Price of Materialism - https://booktopia.kh4ffx.net/ORgkWZ The Light Bulb Conspiracy  - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ulUI7JsFjZU Farmers Footprint - https://farmersfootprint.org.au/ Simon Kuznets - https://www.nobelprize.org/prizes/economic-sciences/1971/kuznets/biographical/ Season Sponsor:  This season we've teamed up with Highland Beef Pastoral a grass-fed beef supply chain servicing the growing US grass-fed market.  The Highland Beef program uses an innovative model to change how farmers and customers interact.  Essentially, this Australian-owned business places cattle on their member graziers’ properties at their expense and provides farmers competitive returns for every kg of beef produced, allowing them to focus on improving their businesses in a capital-free, risk-free environment.   If you’re interested in finding out more about this program visit hbpastoral.com.au/charliearnott.    Episode Credits: Thank you to all who’ve made this show possible. Our host Charlie Arnott. Our producer is Rhys Jones of Yaga Media. And, of course, we are grateful for our sponsors, Patreon supporters, and listeners. Patrons get access to exclusive videos, a discussion community, and much more. Go to https://charliearnott.com.au/podcast/ to support my work.
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