“The missing author’s voice is so fake and unbelievable. It sounds like she’s just reading a script, not like she’s actually a Stephen king level famous author. Nevermind the mispronounced words from a supposedly best-selling author, she seems uninterested in what she’s even saying and she sighs her way through each script with a grating vocal fry. She doesn’t sound like someone thinking and recording stream-of-consciousness journal entries. Her parts are not that great to listen to. Honestly, I end up tuning her out and then having to re-listen multiple times just to be able to follow the plot. I hope that it doesn’t drag the rest of the storytelling down, but getting through her parts are definitely a chore. Also, did you know she smokes weed? Because they’re definitely going to tell you that she smokes weed and loves getting high every 5 minutes. Even when it’s not relevant to the plot.
The main detective is a bit flat as well, but is consistent enough that he sounds pretty true to the character he’s portraying and not like someone who is just bored and reading a script. Being bored/annoyed/exasperated is part of his character.”
Elleayyouareeen via Apple Podcasts ·
United States of America ·