With today’s highly refined, fast, convenience foods and snack foods - getting stuck in ‘a sugar crash’ (AKA the blood sugar rollercoaster) can happen very easily. The good news is that once you are aware of the dangers of refined foods and sugars, it’s not all that hard to avoid the whole issue of sugar crashes.  In this Episode, Cathy explains why avoiding a ‘sugar crash’ is SO important for maintaining good health and energy. Then she goes into detail about 6 ways to avoid getting...
Published 12/29/23
Published 12/29/23
Fasting has some AMAZING health benefits, including the incredible power of autophagy (pronounced either ‘auto-fay-gee’, or ‘au-toff-a-gee), which is essentially a function of fasting.    In this Episode, Cathy shares her research about autophagy, which reveals some truly surprising positive effects .  Cathy not only investigates fasting’s health benefits, she goes beyond that. You’ll hear about history and safety of fasting, the 2 main types of fasting, the effects of the ‘fasted...
Published 07/17/23
We all know how sweet and delicious sugar is, yet there IS a dark side to sugar that can absolutely have a negative impact on health.  Part 2 of this mini-series takes a deep dive into the long-term effects of sugar. In this Episode you will find an in-depth analysis of sugar and refined foods, including the difference between them.  Cathy goes into detail about why both sugar and refined foods are so damaging, by looking at exactly HOW they wreak havoc with long-term health. The...
Published 04/23/23
Your health is the most priceless asset you will ever own! Whether talking about short-term health, or long-term health - sugar and refined foods have a definite impact. The good news is that you have the power to control the impact of sugar! In this Episode (Part 1 of a mini-series), Cathy is on a mission to reveal 4 KEY Factors about sugar and your long-term health. You’ll discover WHY your body needs some sugar, including 2 very important facts that must be understood.  Cathy goes...
Published 04/05/23
Knowing how to recover from a sugar overload is more important than ever. Sugar overload can happen to any of us, even when trying to make healthy food choices.  In fact, you might feel certain that you are eating healthy food, yet you may not realize how much sugar is hidden in the foods you are consuming. Hidden sugars can add up quickly, without you being aware of it. In this Episode you’ll discover how refined foods (even the ones that don’t look like sugar) cause a sugar overload...
Published 01/18/23
Got a cold?  Here’s help! This Episode takes a good look at practical, proven ways that you can help your body deal with the common cold. By supporting your immune system in various ways, it is possible to significantly cut the duration of your down-time from the common cold. First, Cathy will touch on 2 Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) concepts that can have an impact on the body’s immunity.  Then she will get into 9 ways to shorten the duration of your cold, including 3 specific...
Published 12/20/22
Technology moves fast, especially when it comes to telecommunications.  We’ve just gotten used to the 4G network and its amazing speed for online activity. The 5G network is being rolled out right now, as you read this! 5G, the 5th generation of wireless access, promises to be hyper fast: up to 10 times faster than 4G.  AND it is designed to handle 1,000 times more traffic.  What’s not to love, right?  But wait a minute! What do we REALLY know about 5G and its effects, especially the...
Published 08/16/22
EMF (electromagnetic field) energy is a huge multi-faceted topic. When researching about the new 5G network, Cathy kept coming across more and more information that pertains to the existing 4G network, and realized that we have been told very little about EMFs. This is information that everyone needs to know. In this Episode you’ll find out about natural EMFs vs man-made EMFs; EMF effects on adults vs children; pulsed microwave radiation; SAR or Specific Absorption Rate; and...
Published 08/04/22
EMF (electromagnetic field) energy exposure and damage to human health is not a new issue, and it certainly isn’t going away any time soon. In fact, health concerns are increasing as more, stronger electromagnetic technologies are developed. This makes it extremely important to learn all you can about EMFs, and to find ways to limit your exposure.  In this Episode Cathy starts with the effects of EMF radiation on children and youth - a topic that is not often discussed.  The rest of...
Published 07/06/22
EMF (electromagnetic field) energy is a very important topic that is not widely understood by most people. In this series of Episodes, the goal is to shine the spotlight on EMF radiation, so it is easier to understand and deal with this invisible health hazard. This is Part 1 of the series, where Cathy starts with the basics about what EMFs are.  Then she will tell you why there is so much confusion about EFM exposure, and why EMFs are hazardous to your health. Even more specifically,...
Published 06/29/22
Creating and sustaining great health doesn’t just magically happen - it takes time, effort and conscious choices to help it happen. The task becomes much easier when your choices have high positive impact. This Episode is all about 6 impactful choices than can help you take positive control over your health - starting immediately.  Cathy has used all of these impactful choices to create her own great health, and she has also used them successfully in coaching many clients.  If you’ve...
Published 06/22/22
This is Part 2 of a mini-series all about 6 specific nutrients that can help you strengthen your body’s defences against germs, bacteria, viruses and other pathogens.  Your body is able utilize various nutrients to help you stay strong. Many of those nutrients can be found in real whole foods, and some nutrients need to be obtained from supplementation. This Episode includes a very brief recap of Part 1 and the first 3 nutrients of this mini-series, as well as a short summary of free...
Published 06/15/22
The nutrients in food that you consume on a daily basis are incredibly important for your overall health and for your body’s defences against pathogens.  This mini-series is all about 6 particular nutrients (revealed in 2 Episodes) that can help you maintain great health consistently.   This Episode starts with a comparison of nutrients from food sources versus supplementation, and why one is preferred over the other.  Then Cathy dives into the details of 3 (out of the 6 nutrients)...
Published 06/08/22
 YIKES! There’s an invisible health hazard in foods you may be consuming every day!  The invisible health hazard is refined food oils, which are being proven to be incredibly harmful!  This Episode is a very deep dive into food oils, starting with why your body needs fats and oils. From there, Cathy explains specifically what she means by ‘food oils’, and gets right into the details about PUFAs (polyunsaturated fatty acids), MUFAs (monounsaturated fatty acids), saturated fatty acids...
Published 04/20/22
This Episode is all about the amazing, perhaps even magical, connection between gratitude and your health. When we find ourselves in challenging or confusing situations - that’s when we seem to need positivity the most. Focusing on gratitude and practising gratitude can give us that positivity. Cathy explores gratitude, starting with whether it is an inherited trait or learned. You’ll discover 2 kinds of gratitude, conditional and unconditional, and you may be surprised by the power...
Published 02/17/22
Keto (Ketogenic) diets or lifestyles have become quite popular, for many reasons. But what is the difference between a Keto lifestyle and a Kick Sugar lifestyle? That’s exactly what you’ll discover in this Episode. Cathy starts by clarifying why a keto lifestyle and a kick sugar lifestyle are not the same, even though they have one big aspect in common. You’ll hear what kicking sugar is all about, and what a keto lifestyle is all about, as well as the connection each one has with the 2...
Published 02/08/22
Your immune system is one of the cornerstones of your health - so it makes a lot of sense to be pro-active in keeping your immune system strong and robust. This Episode is all about what it means to have a strong immune system, and what you can do in the present time to create that for yourself. Cathy dives into 5 specific elements that can affect your immune system; 3 of these elements are not commonly talked about. Then Cathy gives you resources you can access PLUS she shares with...
Published 01/27/22
YOUR Health is priceless! It is the most important asset you will EVER own! So it makes sense to stand in YOUR Power and make it strong. This is Part 5 in a series of Episodes that can help you do exactly that. In the last Episode (YOUR Health - YOUR Power! Part 4 TSSP169) Cathy mentioned that there are 8 beneficial nutrients that are not commonly talked about, yet there was only enough time to tell you about 4 of them. Now you can hear all about the other 4 nutrients. Join Cathy as...
Published 01/12/22
You have more power over your health than you think you do! YOUR Health - YOUR Power! Part 4 is a deep exploration about where YOUR Power comes from and how you can use that power to protect and improve the most priceless asset you will ever own - YOUR Health! Cathy goes deep into 4 specific sources of YOUR Power: gaining knowledge leading to action; listening to your body; harnessing the potency of nutrition; and using specific, important nutrients and herbs. You’ll hear about 10...
Published 01/05/22
YOUR Health is the most valuable possession you have! And you can use YOUR Power to protect it and strengthen it. In this Episode, Cathy discusses YOUR Power over stress, anxiety and fear, and she shares ways that you can take control over each of them. Then Cathy focuses on gut health, and reveals the #1 best thing you can do to keep your gut healthy. You’ll also discover the innate power that you immune system naturally has, plus 4 quick Tips to take care of your immune system....
Published 12/29/21
The controversy and confusion about the world’s health crisis seems to be endless, and can leave you feeling like you’re standing on shifting sand! This Episode, Part 2 of the series, continues to highlight the POWER you have over YOUR health. Cathy starts this Episode with a discussion about how the world’s history is repeating itself. Then she gets into the one health issue and the mandates, and what it all means for all of us. It is super important to be clear about what is going on...
Published 12/22/21
Today’s world presents us with incredible controversy, confusion and challenges about how to stay healthy. This Episode, YOUR Health - YOUR Power!, is all about gaining knowledge and being empowered, so you can make good choices for your own health. Cathy gives you a brief overview of the past few decades, when major shifts in health took place, and our own collective thinking also shifted. She speaks about public health care, and what has occurred right up to this year (2021). Cathy...
Published 12/16/21
There is a silent partner within your body that works silently 24/7 to maintain balance, which keeps you healthy. It’s your immune system. And it is super important to know how you can keep it strong. Cathy starts by discussing 2 main things that are damaging to your immune system, so you can avoid them. Then she dives into what you can do to energize and strengthen your immune system with nutrition. She includes specific nutrients and herbs that support your incredible immune system...
Published 12/08/21
Sugar and refined foods are two different things, right? Well… not exactly! This Episode gives you straight talk about sugar, about refined foods, and why they seem so different, but in many ways they are exactly the same. In fact, to your body, sugar and refined foods are identical - and Cathy explains why. It’s a very important concept to understand. You’ll also hear about the 4 main sources of glucose, the body’s main source of fuel for energy. Artificial sweeteners are also...
Published 11/30/21