“I think it would be a good idea to have a discussion after the end of proceedings regarding the conduct of the trial, and an analysis of the evidence etc. Prof PeterFleming has in my opinion (retired lawyer) harmed his professional standing by being so adamantly partial to the defendants . Most I have worked with would say eg “I was told” or “the mother stated that”. There is no way he can be sure that his clients are telling the truth or that their perceptions are even correct and when he hasn’t even observed the mother’s examination and cross examination he is leaving himself open to ridicule. There seems something askew with the time line as well. ProfFleming is saying child was probably 2 weeks old but mother has always said child was born 24 Dec. If that was the case poor Victoria’s corpse was carried around a long time. I may be incorrect but I was under the impression Constance was trying to say baby had been ok because she survived several weeks and up until then was not affected by the cold. Reference to only one stretch and gro suit so query hygiene, though this hasn’t been mentioned. Maybe Constance would refer court to the trad. Inuit custom of the mother licking her child clean?”
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