Brother Sam begins a new teaching series he titles Overcoming The World.
He opens up with Jesus’ address in Matthew 7:21-23, about ‘That Day’ soon to come, when those who have professed the Name of the Lord with their lips—as a tool for the advancement of their agendas—without true regard for, or obedience to, that Name, will receive due compensation for their evil-doing.
He echoes the teachings of scripture about eternal rest as the heritage of the Lord’s people but emphasizes that the “Lord’s people” are those who have known Him as Lord in word, in heart, and deed. These are the ones to whom Jesus will never say, “I do not know you”; the ones He will not deny.
Brother Sam implores us to sober reflection, reminding us that at the end of the day, what truly matters is a person doing the will of the Lord. “Results” and “proofs” might be impressive for a myopic world that cannot see beyond their noses, but before the holy, omniscient God who judges the intent of men’s hearts, those who do His will are those in whom He truly delights. And God’s will is not nebulous or subject to personal interpretation. It is clearly defined in scripture, in Jesus’ answer to the lawyer who asked Him what the greatest command in the Law was: “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the great first commandment. And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” (Matthew 22:37-39)
This is the summary of the matter: to love the Lord with your yearnings, your consciousness, your reason—to love Him with everything you have and are—and from that overflow of affection, to love the people He has made. This is what doing the will of God looks like.
As he brings the sermon to a close, he cautions that a burdensome Christianity is strange and should never be settled for. Sanctification in Christ is delightful, and a person who knows that they have God as their portion has a contentment and joy that can never be taken away regardless of circumstance.
You will find much to ponder and pray about as you listen to this. Be blessed.