Lights Out
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SHOW DESCRIPTION: Have you ever wondered just how important sleep is? How sleep plays a role in everything that we do? Our internal clocks are governed by seasonal variations in light and dark; extending daylight artificially leads to a craving for sugar, especially concentrated, refined carbohydrates that, in turn, cause obesity. More seriously, lack of sleep inhibits the production of prolactin and melatonin—deranging our immune systems and causing depression, diabetes, heart disease, and cancer. Tune in this week as the author of Lights Out TS Wiley joins me to share with you everything you need to know about sleep. How to and why to sleep.                                       GUEST BIO: T.S. Wiley is the author of "Lights Out: Sleep, Sugar and Survival, ". Wiley succinctly and logically argues that electricity and the light bulb put us out of sync with nature as the ultimate "endocrine disruptors". People spent summers, before electric lights, sleeping less and eating heavily in preparation for winter because the light triggered the hunger for carbohydrates. Now, light is available 24 hours a day. Heating and air-conditioning climate control our hormonal responses to consume carbohydrates now available year round. This is the scenario for obesity, Type II diabetes, and depression. In Wiley's opinion, sleep is the best medicine. Her newest work in process is "Manthropology", exploring how medicine and modern life are killing men. Find out more about the study of bio-identical, bio-mimetic HRT on her website,
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