The Legalization Of Marijuana In Canada & The Future Of Drugs
Tyler speaks about the recent legalization of marijuana in Canada and the future of drugs. How does legalization roll out? What impact will this have on other countries? How will this influence other decisions around drugs? What do drugs in society in the future look like?
Links from the video:
Podcast link:
So the right here.
June twenty second two thousand eighteen.
Hello screens around me that’s why my eyes are always darting out most think this is bad video etiquette but.
I love my screens too much and I’m also looking at some stuff and want to pull it out for you continuing this habit of trying to do just sort of some video content and a place that I’m comfortable with and one of the and want to share that content with you guys I’ve been doing this to both video.
Obviously recording here but also banned sending us out through audio and so big exciting.
You know moment for referral tighter here Tyler talks I don’t know if that’s gonna be the name that stays but I just want to set this up.
When I first.
My first look at setting up this whole process and system I thought it was gonna be much more difficult than it actually turned out to be and I think that’s why I was so hesitant for a while but.
I’m going next explain missing some blog post but really all I did.
About my wordpress site got a wordpress plugin as well to.
That generates an RSS feed without RSS feed every time I put a new podcast are basically what is a blog post if you use wordpress before.
It automatically pockets that RSS feeds iTunes is basically crowing that.
Klay maybe once a day and if new content is uploaded then.
It actually populates right here on iTunes so.
Exciting times there it’s up you can listen to it.
It’s even got couple popularity bars if you didn’t notice I think I have a four five lessons so.
That’s some very low popularity but there is some bars there and appreciate you hyped me up I tunes but.
Did have something I really wanted to talk about today and that is something that many people are excited about here in Canada marijuana is to be legal.
October seventeenth judo confirms this is taking a little bit longer than I think we originally thought but that seems to be the way it goes with all politics and so I don’t think I was too upset works cited to see this it’s a landmark.
Moment for I I bel