Yogi Ramsuratkumar, also known as the "Divine Beggar," was a revered Indian saint from Tiruvannamalai, Tamil Nadu. Renowned for his deep spirituality and humility, he dedicated his life to guiding seekers on the path to enlightenment. His teachings emphasised surrender, devotion, and the constant remembrance of the divine. Followers from around the world were drawn to his simple yet profound wisdom, which emanated peace and unconditional love. Yogi Ramsuratkumar's legacy continues to inspire...
Published 11/09/24
Ingevanai Yaan Perave by R.V. Subramanian is a reflective Tamil novel that delves into the journey of self-discovery and the search for one's purpose in life. The story follows the protagonist’s introspective quest to understand his place and significance in the world, navigating personal challenges and existential questions along the way. Subramanian’s writing is introspective and layered, bringing out the universal struggle of finding meaning in life. Celebrated for its profound insights,...
Published 11/09/24
Sri Ramana Maharshi is the author of the revered devotional hymn "Aksharamanamalai." It consists of 108 verses written in Tamil, dedicated to Arunachala, the holy mountain in Tiruvannamalai. The hymn is a profound expression of the devotee’s love and longing for the divine, blending deep spiritual insights with lyrical beauty. Each verse serves as a heartfelt prayer, seeking the grace and guidance of Arunachala to attain self-realization and liberation. "Aksharamanamalai" remains a timeless...
Published 11/09/24
Varthai by S. Tamilselvan is a thought-provoking Tamil novel that explores the power of words and their impact on human relationships, society, and personal identity. Through his evocative storytelling, Tamilselvan delves into how words shape emotions, influence perceptions, and build or break connections. The novel captures the complexities of communication, reflecting on how language can serve as both a bridge and a barrier in human interactions. Varthai is celebrated for its introspective...
Published 11/09/24
Make Your Bed by Admiral William H. McRaven is an inspiring book that draws life lessons from the author's experience as a U.S. Navy SEAL. Based on his famous commencement speech, the book offers ten simple principles that can help readers lead a more disciplined, fulfilling, and impactful life. McRaven emphasizes that small actions, such as making your bed every morning, can set the tone for achieving larger goals and overcoming life's challenges. With practical advice rooted in personal...
Published 10/26/24
Azhagu by Ashokamitran is a Tamil novel that delves into the everyday lives of ordinary people, exploring their inner worlds, emotions, and struggles. Known for his minimalist and evocative style, Ashokamitran presents a poignant portrayal of beauty (Azhagu), not just in the physical sense, but in the nuances of life’s fleeting moments. The novel captures the complexities of human relationships, aspirations, and the subtle ironies of existence. Through its quiet yet profound narrative, Azhagu...
Published 10/26/24
Yogi Ramsuratkumar, also known as the "Divine Beggar," was a revered Indian saint from Tiruvannamalai, Tamil Nadu. Renowned for his deep spirituality and humility, he dedicated his life to guiding seekers on the path to enlightenment. His teachings emphasised surrender, devotion, and the constant remembrance of the divine. Followers from around the world were drawn to his simple yet profound wisdom, which emanated peace and unconditional love. Yogi Ramsuratkumar's legacy continues to inspire...
Published 10/26/24
Amman Sirpam by Ra. Senthil Kumar is a Tamil novel that explores the deep cultural and spiritual significance of Amman (the Mother Goddess) in Tamil society. The story intricately weaves together themes of faith, tradition, and human emotions, set against the backdrop of rural life. Senthil Kumar's narrative brings out the reverence for divine feminine power through the symbolic representation of the Amman idol (Sirpam), reflecting the complexities of belief and the influence of religion on...
Published 10/26/24
Abhayapradanasaram by Vedanta Desikan is a significant work in the realm of Hindu philosophy and theology, focusing on the concept of divine protection and refuge. The text, rooted in the Sri Vaishnavism tradition, explains how Lord Vishnu, as the ultimate protector, grants abhaya (safety or fearlessness) to devotees who seek his shelter. Desikan eloquently describes the compassionate nature of the divine, emphasizing the act of surrender as a means to attain spiritual salvation....
Published 10/26/24
Penn Manam by Ku. Pa. Rajagopalan is a classic Tamil novel that offers a deep exploration of the inner emotional world of women. Through its intricate storytelling, the novel portrays the struggles, desires, and resilience of its female characters as they navigate societal expectations and personal conflicts. Rajagopalan’s empathetic portrayal of women’s thoughts and feelings gives readers a profound understanding of the complexities of womanhood. Pen Manam is celebrated for its sensitive...
Published 10/26/24
"Aadhi Shakthiku Ayiram Namangal" is a revered collection of sacred names dedicated to Adhi Shakthi, the primordial goddess in Hinduism, representing divine feminine energy. Each of the 1000 names, or "Sahasranamam," encapsulates different attributes and aspects of the goddess, celebrating her power, compassion, and wisdom. Chanting these names is believed to invoke her blessings, offering protection, spiritual growth, and inner strength. This practice is a profound expression of devotion,...
Published 10/26/24
Life Is Beautiful is a 1997 Italian film directed by and starring Roberto Benigni. Set during World War II, the film tells the heartwarming and tragic story of Guido, a Jewish-Italian man who uses humor and imagination to protect his young son from the horrors of a Nazi concentration camp. Blending comedy and drama, Life Is Beautiful is celebrated for its emotional depth, conveying messages of love, hope, and the power of optimism even in the darkest times. The film received international...
Published 10/26/24
Thozhamai Yenbathu by Prabanjan is a powerful Tamil novel that explores the theme of friendship and its emotional depth. Through a captivating narrative, Prabanjan delves into the bonds that connect individuals. He also examines how relationships evolve over time and are influenced by personal experiences, societal pressures, and emotional challenges. Known for his nuanced storytelling, Prabanjan skilfully portrays the complexities of human connections, offering readers a heartfelt reflection...
Published 10/19/24
Yogi Ramsuratkumar, also known as the "Divine Beggar," was a revered Indian saint from Tiruvannamalai, Tamil Nadu. Renowned for his deep spirituality and humility, he dedicated his life to guiding seekers on the path to enlightenment. His teachings emphasised surrender, devotion, and the constant remembrance of the divine. Followers from around the world were drawn to his simple yet profound wisdom, which emanated peace and unconditional love. Yogi Ramsuratkumar's legacy continues to inspire...
Published 10/19/24
Miruga Motcham by Vijayakumar Samankarai is a thought-provoking Tamil novel that delves into the complexities of human nature and the conflict between one's primal instincts and societal expectations. The story explores themes of morality, inner struggles, and the quest for self-understanding, presenting a deep reflection on human behavior. With its engaging narrative and philosophical undertones, Mirugamotchan challenges readers to contemplate the fine line between civilization and raw human...
Published 10/19/24
Sri Ramana Maharshi is the author of the revered devotional hymn "Aksharamanamalai." It consists of 108 verses written in Tamil, dedicated to Arunachala, the holy mountain in Tiruvannamalai. The hymn is a profound expression of the devotee’s love and longing for the divine, blending deep spiritual insights with lyrical beauty. Each verse serves as a heartfelt prayer, seeking the grace and guidance of Arunachala to attain self-realization and liberation. "Aksharamanamalai" remains a timeless...
Published 10/19/24
Bhuvanam by Ki. Rajanarayanan is a captivating Tamil novel that delves into rural life and the intricacies of human relationships. Known for his rich storytelling rooted in folk culture, Rajanarayanan portrays the struggles, emotions, and aspirations of his characters in a vivid, authentic manner. The novel reflects the unique essence of village life in Tamil Nadu, blending social themes with personal stories. Bhuvanam is celebrated for its evocative language and its deep exploration of rural...
Published 10/19/24
"Aadhi Shakthiku Ayiram Namangal" is a revered collection of sacred names dedicated to Adhi Shakthi, the primordial goddess in Hinduism, representing divine feminine energy. Each of the 1000 names, or "Sahasranamam," encapsulates different attributes and aspects of the goddess, celebrating her power, compassion, and wisdom. Chanting these names is believed to invoke her blessings, offering protection, spiritual growth, and inner strength. This practice is a profound expression of devotion,...
Published 10/13/24
Tata Stories by Harish Bhat is a captivating collection of inspiring anecdotes from the history of the Tata Group, one of India’s most iconic conglomerates. The book offers readers a glimpse into the values, vision, and leadership that have shaped the Tata legacy over the years. Through engaging and lesser-known stories, Harish Bhat highlights the extraordinary people and principles that define Tata’s commitment to innovation, social responsibility, and ethical business practices. Tata...
Published 10/12/24
Goddess Saraswati is the Hindu deity of knowledge, wisdom, music, and the arts. As the embodiment of learning and creativity, she is often depicted seated on a lotus, holding a veena (a musical instrument), and surrounded by sacred texts. Saraswati symbolises purity of mind and intellect, guiding her devotees towards enlightenment and spiritual knowledge. Revered as the consort of Lord Brahma, the creator, she is worshipped for success in education, creative pursuits, and intellectual...
Published 10/11/24
Yogi Ramsuratkumar, also known as the "Divine Beggar," was a revered Indian saint from Tiruvannamalai, Tamil Nadu. Renowned for his deep spirituality and humility, he dedicated his life to guiding seekers on the path to enlightenment. His teachings emphasised surrender, devotion, and the constant remembrance of the divine. Followers from around the world were drawn to his simple yet profound wisdom, which emanated peace and unconditional love. Yogi Ramsuratkumar's legacy continues to inspire...
Published 10/10/24
Justinum Nyayatheerpum by Ajithan is a compelling Tamil novel that explores the complex themes of justice, morality, and human rights. The story revolves around Justin, who is entangled in a legal and ethical battle that tests his principles and resilience. With its gripping narrative and thought-provoking exploration of societal norms, the novel highlights the struggle for justice and the impact of judicial decisions on individuals' lives. Ajithan’s storytelling brings out the nuances of the...
Published 10/10/24
Sri Ramana Maharshi is the author of the revered devotional hymn "Aksharamanamalai." It consists of 108 verses written in Tamil, dedicated to Arunachala, the holy mountain in Tiruvannamalai. The hymn is a profound expression of the devotee’s love and longing for the divine, blending deep spiritual insights with lyrical beauty. Each verse serves as a heartfelt prayer, seeking the grace and guidance of Arunachala to attain self-realization and liberation. "Aksharamanamalai" remains a timeless...
Published 10/10/24
Anumar Kathirukiraar by Ghandarvan is a Tamil novel that revolves around themes of spirituality, devotion, and self-discovery. The story captures the essence of faith through the character of Anumar (Hanuman), highlighting his unwavering loyalty and strength. Ghandarvan’s narrative style beautifully intertwines mythology with human emotions, offering readers a deep and thought-provoking exploration of devotion and inner transformation. The novel is celebrated for its engaging storytelling and...
Published 10/09/24
"Aadhi Shakthiku Ayiram Namangal" is a revered collection of sacred names dedicated to Adhi Shakthi, the primordial goddess in Hinduism, representing divine feminine energy. Each of the 1000 names, or "Sahasranamam," encapsulates different attributes and aspects of the goddess, celebrating her power, compassion, and wisdom. Chanting these names is believed to invoke her blessings, offering protection, spiritual growth, and inner strength. This practice is a profound expression of devotion,...
Published 10/09/24