What if I told you that with a simple smile, you could change the course of someone’s day… or life? Would you smile more at people walking in the street, your office mates on zoom.....your kids?
Mother Teresa once said, “We cannot do great things on this earth, only small things with great love.”
This week we will learn the positive affects of kindness on ourselves and others.
Published 05/20/20
There is no more sure way to fail than to never try. This time, don’t let fear kill your hustle before you even get moving. Here are 14 ways to overcome fear and make this year the one where nothing holds you back
Published 05/13/20
Instead of over committing ourselves, we should be saying the word “No.” “No” is a powerful word. Here are seven ways to wield the power of no and be more productive at the workplace...
Published 05/06/20
Out of the 10,000 news stories you may have seen or read in the last eight weeks, did even one allow you to make a better decision about a serious matter in your life?
In the past few decades, the fortunate among us have recognized the hazards of living with an overabundance of food (obesity, diabetes) and have started to change our diets. But most of us do not yet understand that news is to the mind what sugar is to the body. News is easy to digest.
Published 04/29/20
Rituals make you who you are. The morning ritual is rediscovering productivity at the start of the day. Now more than ever – we need ritual and structure to our days. You need not wake at the crack of dawn to have a productive start to your day. Instead, you need to take a close look at how you start your day and figure out how to get more from it. One way to do that is establishing a morning ritual. This week we will go over seven different rituals to start you day with success!
Published 04/22/20
We will win this war on the virus – but what will the collateral damage to the global and local economy be? How long will it take to recovery financially – will it be months or decades? Some of us will never recover and some with thrive. As history has shown, in every crisis some industries have explosive growth.
Published 04/15/20
This week, we are going to learn some tool to help us unplug just a bit – remember my confessions as a smart phone addict – and get focused. This week is focused on avoiding distractions.
Published 04/08/20
The last few weeks have been very unsettling. Not knowing what was going to happen or how long we will be on lockdown has had a real impact on my usual cheerful nature. So what have I done about it?
I have taken a very enlightened approach of pretend it it's not happening—one that’s about as effective as other common responses such as get angry, push people away, blame yourself, or wallow in the pain.
Published 04/01/20
As many of us enter the second week of the "in place directive" or self quarantine, it is easy to get into a rut while working from home. Although the commute is awesome, It's not always easy to make the switch from office to home though.
But for millions of us, this isn't work from home - it is no work – and this can be mentally challenging. What do you do all day when everything is closed except binge watch shows? Are you stuck?
Published 03/25/20
In these times of uncertainty, it is so easy to follow the crowd and engage in panic thinking and I have social proof! COVID 19 is a respiratory illness not an intestinal one, so why are Kleenex still on the shelf and toilet paper is gone? I can absolutely guarantee that as a society, we will be fine. Although this specific event is unparalleled, the resilience of the American people and the work at large will see you through this.
Published 03/18/20
I don’t know about you, but I am already tired of hearing about COVID-19 or the Coronavirus. As the novel coronavirus epidemic rapidly evolves, rumors have swirled around the globe, spreading misinformation and fear.
Published 03/11/20
In a world of average people -- and average salaries -- many of us aspire to join the 7-figure club. Who doesn’t dream of becoming wealthy, so they can stop working, go on guilt-free shopping sprees and take endless vacations?
Published 03/04/20
This week we will go over some quick and easy ways to make your community and our world a better place.
Why? Because right now one thing is abundantly clear: The world could use a little more peace, love, and understanding. There is suffering to be eased; there are wrongs to be righted. If you read the daily headlines and wish someone could just step in and make things better, we have good news: Someone can—and you already know just the person for the job – you!
Published 02/26/20
We’re all creatures of habit. We tend to wake up at the same time each day, brush our teeth, have morning coffee and commute to work, following the same patterns every day.
So why is it so hard to form new healthy habits?
Published 02/19/20
This week is Valentine’s Day and love is in the air – but to you love the most important person in your life? That person is you!
With everything happening all the time, it’s easy to forget to take care of yourself. How can we focus on ourselves when there is so much going on around us, not even to mention worrying about careers, families, money, stress and everything else that comes with modern life?..
Published 02/12/20
Who would like to see the future? Know what was coming an when? Last week one of my client suddenly died. It was tragic - a vibrant life cut short. This made me think of all the lessons I have learned so far that I wished I had known earlier in life. This week we will go over 15 life lessons everyone needs to know.
Published 02/05/20
The IRS starts accepting 2019 returns on Jan. 28, 2020. Even if your financial situation is simple and straightforward, it pays to make sure you’re up-to-date and doing all you can to reduce your tax bill. This week we will go over 10 best tips for tax-filing season.
Published 01/29/20
The best way to get out of debt quickly is to make more money! We all could do with a few extra dollars in our pocket, but unless your boss is a fan of giving you free money - and a lo of it- you will probably have to work for it. Thankfully, you can do a lot of that work in your spare time. Here are some of ways I have used to make some extra money, ranging from the super-lazy to the intensely-engaged.
Published 01/22/20
My goal is for you to look back in Jan of 2021 and know that this was the year of great change – this is the year you are finally making a dent in all that debt and are on your way to financial freedom!
Published 01/15/20
Regardless of how much money you make or have - the number one rule to financial success: spend less than you earn. This is true if you make $45,000 a year or $4.5 million a year – if you spend more than you make you will be broke. Just look at lottery winners and pro athletes who start with millions in dough and end up with millions in debt.
Published 01/08/20
2020 is not just the start of a new year - it is the start of a new decade. Most people overestimate what they can get done in a year, but seriously underestimate what they can get done in a decade.
Have you taken the time to plan your future decade?
Published 12/31/19
People who continually fail resolutions often like the idea of being able to implement new things in their lives regardless. Instead of trying to do everything at the start of the year, you should try to spread out your goals throughout the entire year! Thus, a 20 for 2020 goals list is a perfect way to spread out your goals and resolutions across the entire year.
Published 12/18/19
This week and next week we will help you optimize your 20 for 2020 list, and provide ideas and inspiration to add to your list. In the end, you can get your list together in the last weeks of 2019 to let you get started immediately!
Published 12/11/19
Goals are not something you could achieve someday, they are something you should achieve. Setting Goals is by far one of the most important things anyone, who wishes to accomplish anything in life, must do.
Why is Goal Setting so important? In life, you are either part of somebody else’s plan, or you are part of your plan.
This week, I share with you 5 proven ways that you can set and achieve your goals.
Published 12/04/19
Of all the different things you can try to improve your health,happiness and productivity, a morning routine is one of the most effective. There are a few reasons why morning routines are so useful.
The first is obvious to anyone who has ever procrastinated, just getting started is often the hardest part. If you can start out with the right momentum towards your goals, you’ll avoid wrestling with yourself in the morning to get started.
Published 11/20/19