Chris Lee is cofounder of IYK, a startup that makes digital experiences tangible through NFC chips. Michael Blau is a deal partner at a16z crypto and part-time generative artist. And Robert Hackett is an editor at a16z crypto. They discuss the merging of the digital and physical, new consumer experiences enabled by chipped goods, the challenge of counterfeits and bots, and more.
Published 04/13/24
Published 04/13/24
All about how technology has changed art, and how artists change with technology – from the emergence of the browser, the iPhone, and social media; to generative AI art and blockchains to NFTs. We (with guest Simon Denny) also discuss debates that seem to come up in every art x tech shift -- including inventing vs. remixing; between commercialism and art; between mainstream canon and fringe art; whether we’re living in an artistic monoculture now (the answer may surprise you); and much more.
Published 04/02/24
Brian Armstrong is CEO and cofounder of Coinbase. Chris Dixon is founder and managing partner of a16z crypto. They discuss Coinbase's early days, the fallout from FTX, crypto in politics, company building, product development, and more.
Published 03/28/24
Tobias Lütke is the CEO and cofounder of the ecommerce platform Shopify. Ben Horowitz is the cofounder of a16z. They discuss scaling startups; leadership strategies; how to handle emotions, corporate culture, and activism; and more.
Published 03/28/24
Chris Dixon is the author of the bestselling book Read Write Own: Building the Next Era of the Internet, and he is the founder and managing partner of a16z crypto. Ben Horowitz and Marc Andreessen are the cofounders of Andreessen Horowitz. They discuss the corporate takeover of the internet, the intersections of crypto and AI, the political ramifications of blockchains and other technologies, and much more
Published 03/02/24
Steven Johnson is a prolific author of books about technology and innovation, such as Where Good Ideas Come From and How We Got To Now, and he is editorial director at Google Labs. Chris Dixon is the founder and managing partner of a16z crypto and author of the new book Read Write Own: Building the Next Era of the Internet. The two discuss their writing, they explore the emergent properties of decentralized networks, and they dig into how the internet has changed from its origins up to today.
Published 02/11/24
Chris Dixon is the founder and managing partner of a16z crypto and author of the new book Read Write Own: Building the Next Era of the Internet. Robert Hackett is an editor at a16z crypto who worked closely with him on the book as an editing and thought partner. They discuss the writing process, the book's themes, and what could follow the internet's read-write-own era.
Published 01/30/24
We discuss human rights including recent crises in various regions around the world -- and the role of technology, such as the decentralized web for establishing "ground truth" -- with Jonathan Dotan, Emmy-winning producer and former writer on HBO's Silicon Valley and founding director of The Starling Lab for Data Integrity at Stanford (which prototypes tools and principles to bring historians, legal experts, and journalists into the new era of web3).
Published 12/23/23
How does one *communicate* well -- especially in crypto, but also in other technical industries, open source communities; or in distributed, decentralized organizations, where you may have participants that are both remote and in person, or a mix of regulars and newcomers/ strangers? This episode covers specific templates, tactics, and tools that anyone can use (whether leader of individual contributor, technical or other role) especially for informal vs. formal communication.
Published 10/07/23
with @guywuolletjr @eddylazzarin @smc90 "Which blockchain should I build in?" Is a very top of mind question for builders in web3, but also relevant to anyone interested in tech innovation and the evolution of infrastructure. So how does one decide among all the chain choices out there, particularly given how fast-moving the crypto and web3 space is? We sketch out the landscape, why it matters, tradeoffs; and then address common questions, a framework for deciding, different technical specs,...
Published 09/19/23
This all-new deep-dive, hallway-style chat features Solana co-founder and Solana Labs CEO Anatoly Yakovenko. The first half of the episode is a discussion/ debate blockchain architectures -- including of course Solana & Ethereum, the themes of monolithic vs. modular, et cetera -- but really is about what are the tradeoffs, and what should one optimize for (or not!), depending on what you’re building, and to make crypto happen at scale (now and in the future). The second half of the...
Published 09/05/23
with @davidmarcus @smc90 A wide-ranging conversation on company building, big to small (including what cadence and when is the right "time" to ship); the relationship between centralization, decentralization, platforms, and financial freedom; moving from web2 to web3 in both crypto AND payments; why bitcoin, views on remote work, and much much more.
Published 08/22/23
with @alive_eth @danboneh @smc90 The convergence of two important, very top-of-mind trends: artificial intelligence & blockchains/ crypto. The conversation covers everything from deep fakes and bots and proof-of-humanity in a world of AI, to big data, LLMs like ChatGPT, user control, governance, privacy and security, zero-knowledge machine learning, MEV, media and generative art, and and much, much more.
Published 08/12/23
with @mclader @smc90 On how to think about business strategy (& competition) in a world of open source and decentralized finance; product vs. protocol innovation; talent from hiring to organizational structure & collaboration; metrics, community engagement, app store policies, and much much more with Uniswap Labs COO MC Lader.
Published 07/31/23
with @skominers @smc90 A deep dive and tour through key business concepts -- from competitive advantage and Porter's Five Forces, to network effects and moats -- as builders of all kinds navigate business strategy in open source, and especially web3. How does one compete when you're building (and competing) in the open?
Published 05/16/23
with @lera_banda @danboneh @rhhackett Data Availability Sampling and Danksharding is relevant to blockchain scaling, as well as to paving the way for more advanced blockchain networks and user applications. While much of the research-based discussion is especially applicable to Ethereum, some of the concepts we cover are also relevant to advances in computing and networking.
Published 05/05/23
with @cdixon @eddylazzarin @DarenMatsuoka @rhhackett Key takeaways from the 2023 State of Crypto -- including data, methods, and trends; as well as discussion of trends such as infrastructure, NFTs, gaming, creator economy, energy, zero knowledge, and others. An in-depth overview of web3 trends and tech progress toward building the next internet.
Published 04/16/23
with @amandacassatt @kimbatronic @smc90 All about marketing, and web3 -- not just for marketers already in or seeking to enter web3, but also anyone doing community marketing/ community management, devrel (developer relations); or simply doing marketing in web2 or classic growth marketing, seeking to understand the latest trends and tactics.
Published 04/06/23
with @ariannasimpson @eddylazzarin @smc90 An overview of web3 gaming as enabled by crypto & blockchains -- including pulse-checks on what’s working so far, what's more or less ready, and where the most exciting design spaces are for all kinds of builders. The discussion also covers play-to-earn, metaverse, autonomous worlds, and other worldbuilding, as well as design, user onboarding, open source, and frameworks for technology innovation. 
Published 03/29/23
with @milesjennings @brianquintenz @colinmccune @smc90 We provide an overview of policy and regulation in the crypto industry right now -- from a lay of the land to pulse checks on sentiment; share frameworks for policymakers, and quick guidance on how things work (and how to navigate and participate) for builders; and dig into the mindsets, myths, debates, nuances around the topic. We also quickly discuss what to expect for regulation in a few specific domains -- from DeFi to DAOs, to...
Published 02/13/23
with @b1ackd0g @noahcitron @eddylazzarin @smc90 A wide-ranging conversation all about programming languages and crypto -- for both existing blockchain & smart contract programmers, other non-web3 developers seeking to enter the space, and anyone interested in how programming languages evolve and come into existence (as well as in the intersection of language, code, and expression). The discussion covers differences (and similarities) in conventional programming languages vs. smart...
Published 01/30/23
with @robertiger @cdixon @smc90 A wide-ranging conversation with Bob Iger on the interplay between technology, content, and distribution; as well as Bob’s journey -- and that of various creators! -- especially as the industry evolved from TV and cable to the advent of the internet/ web 1.0 to 2.0 to briefly touching on web3 and other emerging technologies. As well as topics top of mind for all company and community builders: from build vs. buy and the innovator's dilemma, to managing...
Published 12/20/22
with @brian_armstrong @bhorowitz A conversation on management, company culture, and much more on building and overcoming the hard things… beginning with what’s top of mind for so many in the crypto industry and in the news right now (FTX etc.).
Published 12/02/22
A (rerun but perhaps more relevant than ever) hallway-style conversation about market conditions, cycles of innovation, and mental models for navigating crypto and web3.
Published 11/21/22