Drew Barrymore, Justin Long and director Nanette Burstein discuss the making of their film, Going the Distance. Drew portrays an aspiring journalist coping with the pitfalls of a bi-coastal romance with her new boyfriend Garrett, played by Justin. This is Nanette's feature film debut after...
Join filmmaker Alex Karpovsky ("The Hole Story") as he discusses his two latest films. "Rubberneck" is a slow- burning, character-driven thriller about a scientist who, after a weekend tryst with a coworker, develops unreciprocated desires that go awry. "Red Flag" reveals Karpovsky’s stellar...
Join creators Bryan Fuller and Michael Green, acclaimed author Neil Gaiman, and actors Ian McShane, Yetide Badaki and Ricky Whittle as they discuss American Gods. The series—based on Gaiman's novel of the same name—follows Shadow Moon (Whittle) as he deals with his wife's death and his new job as...
Domhnall Gleeson (Star Wars: The Force Awakens) and Will Poulter (The Maze Runner) discuss their new film, The Revenant. Inspired by true events, The Revenant tells the story of one man's epic adventure of survival and the extraordinary power of the human spirit. Hosted by Anna Smith at the Apple...
Join actors James McAvoy, Anya Taylor-Joy, and Betty Buckley for a discussion and Q&A about Split. The tense thriller centers on Kevin (McAvoy)—a man with dissociative identity disorder who has 23 known personalities—and one who is still submerged and set on dominating all the others.
Bandleader, bassist, and composer Ben Williams discusses his sophomore album, Coming of Age. Williams became a rising star when he won the Thelonius Monk International Jazz Bass Competition in 2009, and he won his first Grammy Award in 2012.
An exclusive World Book Day Meet the Author event with Charlie Higson, Malorie Blackman and Sophie McKenzie. The event was held at the Apple Store, Covent Garden in London on World Book Day, 1st March 2012. The authors discuss World Book Day, the World Book Day App, and what it's like to have an...
Renowned director Lee Tamahori is joined by lead actors Temuera Morrison and Akuhata Keefe in discussing Mahana, a story of family rivalry and reconciliation set in 1960's rural New Zealand based on a novel by Witi Ihimaera, author of The Whale Rider.
Join creator/executive producer/writer Alex De Rakoff and actors Rupert Grint and Luke Pasqualino as they discuss Crackle's original series, Snatch. Loosely based on the popular film of the same name, Snatch follows a group of young hustlers navigating London’s criminal underworld. Moderated by...