Total downloads via hosting provider or Trackable for the last 60 days.
Total number of listens longer than 60 seconds via Spotify for the last 60 days.
Total number of unique listeners via Spotify over the last 60 days.
Total number of reviews in the last 60 days
All time average of iTunes ratings.
All time total number of downloads via hosting provider or Trackable.
Total number of listens longer than 60 seconds via Spotify.
Total number of downloads in first 60 days after launch.
Total number of unique listeners via Spotify.
Total number of charts a particular episode has appeared on.
Average consumption via Spotify
Country/city data via Trackable (last 30 days) and Spotify (last 60 days).
Percentage of unique listeners on each player via Trackable (last 30 days)
Percentage and absolute counts of Spotify listeners by gender.
Percentage and absolute counts of Spotify listeners by age.
Published date (UTC).
Total number of downloads 60 days after launch.
Total number of downloads 7 days after launch.
Total number of unique listeners via Spotify.
Total number of clicks on the link.
Total number of unique clicks on the link.
Total number of unique downloads on the link.
Total number of downloads from new listeners.
Listeners by "Channel" (HTTP referer)
Total number of reviews.
Total number of ratings.
Growth in the number of reviews in the last 30 days.
Total number of times the episode that contains the promo is downloaded. .
Total number of audience that downloaded your podcast after listening to the promo.
Total number of new audience that downloaded your podcast after listening to the promo.
Type of ad, eg: mid-roll, pre-roll, post-roll or episode drop.