This film brings us to Ireland, baby! Tamera Mowry-Housley stars as former orchestra conductor, Gethsemane Brown, who moves to Ireland to teach at a boarding school. After deciphering a musical message from a spooky self-playing piano (or is it?), she meets a renowned composer's ghost who is...
Published 09/22/24
Don't know what you want to read next? Wanting to read a good book, but not be scared away based on genre or author?
Well, then we've got a concept for you......AND a movie!
Blind Date with a Book Club is a Hallmark movie that showcases a concept many book stores are adopting. Wrapping up a...
Published 08/30/24
This movie had A LOT going on! Sperm donor, a child questioning her identity, a single mom worried about "losing" her daughter, anxiety, abandonment issues, a lack of creative we said, A LOT going on!
Emily and Sophia dive in to this week's movie choice: Branching Out....
Published 08/29/24