Transcript: Seen from afar, our galaxy the Milky Way would be a beautiful but unremarkable spiral galaxy. However, we have a ringside seat at a distance of only thirty thousand lightyears from the nucleus. The central regions of our galaxy have a very compact radio source, a region of intense star formation, a lot of ionized gas, and stellar dynamics that strongly indicate the presence of a supermassive black hole a few million times the mass of the Sun. Thus the definition of an active galaxy is mostly a matter of degree. It may be that most or many galaxies have modest nuclear activity and a black hole about the size of the black hole in the galactic center whereas only the occasional galaxy has extreme nuclear activity and a black hole that may be thousands of times larger up to a billion times the mass of the Sun.
Transcript: The fact that quasars are at large distances and have huge luminosities depends on the cosmological interpretation of their redshift. There are some crucial distinctions between galaxies and quasars as far as redshift goes. For galaxies they follow a Hubble relation where distance...
Published 07/28/11
Transcript: Quasars were mysterious when they were first discovered in the 1960s. But careful work showed that the quasar is surrounded by nebulosity, and eventually spectroscopy of the nebulosity showed that it was the light of stars in a normal galaxy. Thus quasar stands for quasi-stellar...
Published 07/28/11
Transcript: Astronomers at Caltech became interested in the newly accurate radio positions of strong sources in the sky. They focused in particular on two sources, 3C48 and 3C273 which appeared to be associated with bluish stars. Since normal stars like the Sun do not emit strong radio waves...
Published 07/28/11