"The Dying Detective" is a Sherlock Holmes short story by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, first published in 1913. The story involves Holmes' elaborate plan to catch a suspected murderer. He pretends to be gravely ill with a rare tropical disease and convinces his friend, Dr. Watson, to bring the suspect to his bedside. Holmes uses his acting skills to convince the suspect that he is dying and delirious, causing the suspect to confess to the crime. In the end, Holmes reveals his true identity, and the suspect is arrested.
Author: Sir Arthur Conan Doyle Translated By: Abhipsha Chatterjee Produced by: 221B Harrison Road Language: Bengali Type : Story Format : Audio Story Genre : Crime Audio Edit : Subhojit (Phenoix Audio Verse) Poster Design : Sumitendra Background Music : Prattyay Characters : Sherlock Holmes - Sumitendra Dr. Watson & Butler - Prattyay Mrs. Hudson - Moumita Mr. Culverton Smith : Sourav Inspector Morton : Bubai