جبران خليل جبران - الزواج/ Gibran Khalil Gibran- marriage
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The text of "Marriage" by the late poet and writer "Gibran Khalil Gibran", which dealt with this issue wisely and objectively. Gibran Khalil Gibran says about marriage:  You were born together, and you will be together forever, and you will be together when your days dispel the wings of white death, yes. But do not restrict love by restrictions, but let love be a wavy sea between the shores of your souls, so that each of you fills a cup of his companion, but do not drink from one cup. Wattar Harp E each of them arises alone, but they all produce one tone to give each of you his heart to his companion, but beware that this giving is for the sake of preservation because the hand of life alone can keep your hearts standing together but not one of you comes close to the other a lot because the pillars of the temple stand separately , Quercus and  Cupressus do not grow One of them is under her partner.
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إترك أثراً طيباً في قلب كل من تقابل، كثيرةٌ هي المواقف التي تستوجب علينا أن نتحلى باللُطف ولا ننطق بها إلا خيراً..
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