[URBAN] Dakotah Slade Paranormal/Detective 1x05 "Everybody Hurts Part 2" Week 3
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PS: Sorry this was late... I woke up sick out of my mind! My poor tummy :( I think I might have died puking into the toilet, at which point I'm sending this out to you from heaven. This is week 2 of 4. You don't have to start at the very beginning of every book, but you might at least want to start at the beginning of the chapter with week 1 for the recap. PREVIOUSLY ON DAKOTAH SLADE PARANORMAL/DETECTIVE: Dakotah Slade is a broken love-lorn woman who has spent her life falling for the wrong kinds of men. Men who use her, dominate and abuse her, then leave her when they’ve had their fill. Her most recent failed relationship was with a dangerous man named Cale. Wallowing in her grief and self-pity, she spent months at her favourite bar on an alcoholic bender spending what little money she had left, until one day her friend stepped into the bar and spontaneously combusted. Now she’s teamed with similarly “broken” rookie detective Anderson Richards to get to the bottom of a new threat in their city of Mississauga Ontario Canada. Officer Sara Warley, on the verge of being promoted to detective herself, was cut off from her promotion when Anderson was awarded it for revealing corruption in the third precinct. He was given the option to take her on as his partner, but after his first partner tortured him and left him for dead, he’s been unable to trust again. Trying to redirect her frustration, Sara has been busy working with Precinct Two and helping Detective Jian deal with controlling the crime families of Mississauga. Anderson and Dakotah’s investigation turned up that the victim had ingested some kind of glowing drug and were led to his dealer, a large man named Gareth. Together they were able to take him down and drag him back to the precinct where they got their “brain train” to analyze drug samples, finding the pills to defy the laws of physics and share certain traits with a recently auctioned space rock bought by the mayor of the city. They visited the mayor, who gave them an unbelievable tale of magic, a once ancient force in the world long gone extinct, and of a cult who want to bring it back. Returning to their prisoner, Gareth gave them the address of his supplier, and the duo went to investigate without any back up. They found the Tempus Cult at the address packing for a move. Anderson and Dakotah confronted the cultists, and were caught in the building as it exploded around them. Sara, with the help of the mayor and her magic powers, were able to free Anderson and Dakotah. While buried, the two had shared stories about their past, Anderson coming clean about his past partner the corrupt and toxic Rick Jaegger, but Dakotah remaining cagey about her history with Cale. Upon getting free, Dakotah spotted Cale in the crowd and chased him to a rooftop where he kissed her before disappearing and leaving her behind in a mess. The next day Anderson confronted Dakotah about her ex, and she finally explained her traumatic past, revealing drunkenly in an alley that she still had feelings for Cale. Meanwhile, across the city, Sara and Detective Jian were surveilling a meet between the heads of all the gangs of the city when the meet was interrupted by Cale. He slaughtered everyone in the room, with the help of a shooter across the street. A shooter with a sniper rifle capable of seeing and firing through solid objects. A shooter who was none other than Anderson Richard’s old partner Rick Jaegger. ----------------- My name is Andrew Geczy. My brand is 99% Geek found at 99geek.ca I'm a writer, writing monthly chapters of novels like episodes of TV shows, releasing them in 4 weekly parts (a teaser and three acts) on Sundays on my Patreon page at patreon.com/99geek At the end of the month the finished chapter is added to the PDFs attached at the bottom of every post. Finally, the finished books are self-publis
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