“After listening to this podcast, I wanted to go through the question list with my partner, so I looked for it online, but I couldn’t find it. So I compiled it for anyone else looking for the same thing:
1. What’s the perfect breakfast?
2. Who’s the coolest dude?
3. Steak, chicken, or fish?
4. Best gift you’ve ever gotten
5. Best gift you’ve ever given
6. What did you want to do for a living when you were a kid?
7. What’s the largest animal you could beat in a fight?
8. Who’s someone you look up to?
9. First album you bought with your own money
10. What’s your go-to karaoke song?
11. Last song that you listened to
12. What’s a band or musical artist you want to hear more from?
13. What’s a song that brings the most emotion out of you?
14. Favorite music video
15. You have a million dollars, but you have to donate it all to charity. What charity would you donate it to?
16. What’s your favorite holiday?
17. What’s your go-to drink when you walk into a coffee shop?
18. How do you spell the word grey/gray?
19. What’s your prized possession?
20. Are you competitive?
21. Do you consider golf a sport?
22. Have you ever played any sports?
23. Favorite sport to watch?
24. Theme parks?
25. You’re standing in a wrestling ring and a wave of 9-year-olds (a random mix of boys and girls) are coming down to the rink to fight you. How many of those 9-year-olds could you beat in a fight?
26. What’s a game you know you can win?
27. What topic can you discuss the most?
28. Favorite place you visited
29. What’s your catchphrase?
30. What’s the best costume or cosplay you’ve ever worn?
31. Have you ever had anything named after you?
32. The hobby you’ve dedicated the most time to
33. Who’s a celebrity you’ve had a crush on?
34. What’s the strangest job you’ve had?
35. Book you’d recommend the world to read?
36. A movie that always makes you laugh?
37. What’s the worst movie you’ve ever seen?
38. Who’s your favorite actor or actress?
39. How cool was it in Jurassic Park when the raptors are running through the kitchen?
40. First show as a kid you got really into?
41. Who should play you in a movie of your life?
42. Who’s the biggest celebrity you’ve ever met in person?
43. TV show or podcast that you love but you don’t think anyone else knows about
44. Favorite comedian
45. Best SNL cast member
46. What’s the nerdiest thing you’ve ever done?
47. Least favorite state?
48. Best thing you’ve ever won?
49. Is there anything you’ve collected or had a collection of?
50. You’re in a fight to the death with another person equal to your size. You’re offered either an aluminum baseball bat or a 6 inch non-serrated knife, knowing the weapon you don’t choose goes to your opponent. Which do you choose?
51. What’s your phone wallpaper right now?
52. What’s the last thing you googled?
53. Name your next pet without seeing them.
54. What professional wrestler would you compare yourself to?
55. What’s your comfort food on a bad day?
56. Favorite smell?
57. Best candy?
58. Worst candy?
59. What’s a restaurant you’d recommend?
60. What’s a food you’ve never eaten?
61. What’s the weirdest food you’ve ever eaten?
62. What’s a typical day off?
63. What’s a bucket-list item you’ve accomplished?
64. Bucket-list item you probably won’t accomplish
65. Name of a friend you don’t keep in contact with but regret it
66. What’s a game that makes you feel nostalgic?
67. What game have you spent the most time playing?
68. What’s something you built with your own hands?
69. Best pickup line
70. Have you ever had any good nicknames?
71. Do you believe in love at first sight?
72. What’s a big turn-off of yours?
73. Do you consider yourself an artist?
74. What’s something you tried to cook and failed?
75. What’s the greatest piece of art ever made?
76. Have you ever had something happen to you that you would consider paranormal?
77. Would you ever use a Ouija Board?
78. Why?
79. If given the chance, when would you time travel to?
80. Have you ever made a sudden, dramatic change to your lifestyle and stuck to it?
81. What game show, past or present, would you love to be a contestant on?
82. What’s a quote that you love?
83. What’s the best shirt that you own?
84. Would you change your middle name?
85. What’s a good impression you can do?
86. Is there a tattoo you wanted to get but are glad you didn’t get?
87. How would you describe your 16-year-old self?
88. What’s the worst injury you’ve ever had?
89. What’s a habit of yours you want to break?
90. Have you ever lied on your resume?
91. Have you ever punched someone in the face?
92. Would you ever go to a nude beach?
93. When was the last time you cried?
94. What’s something you’ve done and will probably never do again?
95. Best compliment you’ve ever received?
96. Tell me a joke.
97. Listener question of the week
98. What made you want to be who you are today?
99. What do you want to be remembered for?”
Geogia Mooney via Apple Podcasts ·
United States of America ·