In cybersecurity, the teaching of Cloud security is often weak. So, here are my Top 100 things about encryption in the Cloud. I’ve focused on AWS, but Azure is likely to also be applicable.
Keys are created in the AWS KMS (Key Management Store). In Azure, this is named KeyVault. The cost of using a key in KMS is around $1/month (prorated hourly). When a key is disabled, it is not charged. With AWS KMS, we use a shared customer HSM (Hardware Security Module), and with AWS CloudHSM it is dedidated to one customer. For data at rest, with file storage, we can integrate encryption with Amazon EBS (Elastic Block Storage) and Amazon S3. Amazon EBS drives are encrypted with AES-256 with XTS mode. For AWS-managed keys, a unique key is used for every object within S3 buckets. Amazon S3 uses server-side encryption to store encrypted data. The customer can use client-side encryption to encrypt data before it is stored in the AWS infrastructure. AWS uses 256-bit Advanced Encryption Standard Galois/Counter Mode (AES-GCM) for its symmetric key encryption. In AWS S3, by default, all the objects are encrypted. A customer can use client-side encryption to encrypt data before it goes into the AWS infrastructure. For data at rest, for databases, we can integrate encryption with Amazon RDS (AWS’s relational database service) and Amazon Redshift (AWS’s data warehousing). For data at rest, we can integrate encryption into ElastiCache (AWS’s content caching service), AWS Lambda (AWS’s serverless computing service), and Amazon SageMake (AWS’s machine learning service). Keys are tokenized and have an ARN (Amazon Resource Names) and alias. An example ARN for a key is arn:aws:kms:us-east-1:103269750866:key/de30e8e6-c753–4a2c-881a-53c761242644, and an example alias is “Bill’s Key”. Both of these should be unique in the user’s account. To define a KMS key, we can either use its key ID, its key ARN, its alias name, or alias ARN. You can link keys to other AWS Accounts. For this, we specify in the form of “arn:aws:iam::[AWS ID]:root”, and where AWS ID is the ID of the other AWS account. To enhance security, we can use AWS CloudHSM (Hardware Security Module). For simpler and less costly solutions, we typically use AWS KMS (Key Management Solution). For CloudHSM, we pay per hour, but for KMS, we just pay for the usage of the keys. The application of the keys is restricted to defined services. Key identifiers and policies are defined with a JSON key-value pair for data objects. Each key should have a unique GUID, such as “de30e8e6-c753–4a2c-881a-53c761242644”. Users are identified and roles are identified with an ARN, such as : “arn:aws:iam::222222:root”. With the usage of keys we have Key Administrative Permission and a Key Usage policies. There is an explicit denial on a policy if there is not a specific allow defined in a policy. For key permissions, we have fields of “Sid” (the descriptive name of the policy), “Effect” (typically “Allow”), Principal (the ARN of the user/group), “Action” (such as Create, Disable and Delete) and “Resource”. A wildcard (“*”) allows or disallows all. To enable a user of “root” access to everything with a key would be : “Sid”: “Enable IAM User Permissions”, “Effect”: “Allow”,“Principal”: {“AWS”: “arn:aws:iam::22222222:root”},“Action”: “kms:*”, “Resource”: “*”}. The main operations within the KMS are to encrypt/decrpyt data, sign/verify signatures, export data keys, and generate/verify MACs (Message Authentication Codes). Key are either AWS managed (such as for the Lambda service), Customer managed keys (these are created and managed by the customer). Custom key stores are where the customer has complete control over the keys). The main use of keys are for EC2 (Compute), EBS (Elastic Block Storage) and S3 (Storage). AES symmetric keys or an RSA key pair are used to encrypt and decrypt. RSA uses 2K, 3K or 4K keys, and w
Alfred Menezes is a Professor at the University of Waterloo in Ontario. In 2001, he won the Hall Medal from the Institute of Combinatorics and its Applications. Alfred is the lead author of the Handbook of Applied Cryptography, and which has been cited over 25,000 times. He has published many...
Published 11/23/24
This seminar series runs for students on the Network Security and Cryptography module, but invites guests to participate. Bruce has created a wide range of cryptographic methods including Skein (hash function), Helix (stream cipher), Fortuna (random number generator), and...
Published 11/21/24