Talis Colberg, Svaja Vansauskas Worthington Carole Anderson come together for a literary and historical analysis of the poet Salomeja Neris, considered the Emily Dickinson of Lithuania. Her controversial life, bilingual poetry readings, and the challenges of translation will be highlighted. • Talis Colberg is director of the Matanuska-Susitna College. He earned a Ph.D. in Northern Political History and Culture from UAF. His numerous contributions to Alaska include acting as Attorney...
Published 10/25/16
Dramatic readings of Harry Potter and the Cursed Child Part Two, features local Alaskan actors and UAA faculty. This recording features the second half of part two. The first half is also posted in iTunes. Featured are Thomas Korn, Sharon Emmerichs, Jennifer Stone, Tracy Albert,and Ivy Alcyone.
Published 10/22/16
Dramatic readings of Harry Potter and the Cursed Child Part Two, features local Alaskan actors and UAA faculty. This recording features the first half part two. The second half is also posted in iTunes. Featured are Thomas Korn, Sharon Emmerichs, Jennifer Stone, Tracy Albert,and Ivy Alcyone.
Published 10/22/16
This event features an introduction to the literary work, El ingenioso hidalgo don Quijote de la Mancha, and its famed author Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra. It includes bilingual readings and multimedia representations of Don Quxote throughout the centuries. Speakers include UAA faculty from the Department of Languages-- Dr. Patricia Fagan, Dr. Rebeca Maseda, Dr. Francisco Miranda and Dr. Ray Ball, History Department.
Published 10/21/16
Listen to the recitation of Harry Potter and the Cursed Child Part 1 by UAA English faculty Toby Widdicombe, Sharon Emmerichs, Jennifer Stone, and actor Thomas Korn, Miranda Forner and Rachel El Naggar. (Reading starts at 2:20) Follow along with the script or in your own imagination. The world of Harry Potter and family lives on.
Published 08/12/16
English professors Toby Widdicombe and Sharon Emmerichs, plus UAA students and staff share their favorite Shakespeare sonnets. And questions regarding Shakepeare's writings, life and times are delved into. This literary tribute to Shakespeare commemorates the 400 year anniversary of his death on April 23, 1616.
Published 04/23/16
Poetry selections and recitations from George Kalamaras’ series A Gray Barn Rising are highlighted at this literary event with Prof. Francisco Miranda. Poets highlighted are Alfonsina Storni, Argentina (32:17); Alejandra Pizarnik, Argentina(48:08;César Vallejo, Peru(1:02);Pablo Neruda, Chile(1:02); Federico García Lorca, Spain(1:31);and Nicanor Parra, Chile(1:44). Their life and times are discussed, too. Dr. Francisco Miranda is Associate Professor Spanish in the Department of Languages...
Published 11/07/15
French surreal poets in A Gray Barn Rising, Francis Ponge and Robert Desnos, are featured with recitations in French and commentary by Prof. Sudarsan Rangarajan. A Gray Barn Rising is a series of YouTube videos featuring poetry chosen and recited by Indiana Poet Laureate George Kalamaras. (Please note, the volume will need to be increased for George Kalamars' readings.) Sudarsan Rangarajan is professor of French and Coordinator of the French Program Department of Languages at UAA. His...
Published 10/17/15
The art, life, and times of Lithuanian Poet Judita Vaiciunaite (1937-2001) is highlighted at this bi-lingual event with Svaja Worthington and Leslie Fried. Judita Vaiciunaite's poetry "explored a wide field of experience, from Lithuanian mythology to jazz, and from historical figures to contemporary city dwellers. Regarded as a poet of the city and the night, she is also a re-creator of myths... She was fascinated by human events which occur within the backdrop of Vilnius' Old City,...
Published 10/10/15
This event is a celebration of Professor Clay Nunnally's long and distinguished teaching career at UAA and his devotion to Romantic and Victorian literature. Professor Toby Widdicomb acts as host and UAA students Chris Richardson, Vince Gregory, and Patty Pierce interview Professor Nunnally. This event is sponsored with the UAA Department of English.
Published 04/24/15
Selected readings and writings by current UAA undergraduate students are featured at this event. Fiction, nonfiction and poetry genres are represented. (Stephen Bolen 13:55-22:36)
Published 04/15/15
Kate Partridge’s poetry manuscript called “Democratic/Athletic” focuses on bringing Walt Whitman's conception of democracy as physical and kinesthetic to the setting of early Anchorage. Alyse Knorr’s second book of poetry imagines what would happen if an intelligent extraterrestrial civilization contacted Earth in the future and tried to respond to the Voyager Golden Record, a time capsule of our species launched into space by NASA in 1977. Both Kate Partridge and Alyse Knorr teach in...
Published 03/23/15
Dr. Francisco Miranda's presentation is about Magic Realism in literature and how it is used to illustrate social environment and cultural values. Gabriel Garcia Marquez, author of "100 Years of Solitude", and Mo Yan, author of "Red Sorghum" are contrasted. This event is sponsored with the UAA Confucius Institute and the UAA Dept. of Languages. (Note: This event was not recorded or have an audio podcast). Dr. Francisco Miranda is professor of Spanish at UAA. .
Published 02/12/15
Come hear UAA students share their creative work spanning various literary genres. Faculty selected all featured writings and will introduce their students. Poetry, fiction and memoir explored.
Published 12/03/14
At this event, Sharon Emmerichs ( UAA English Dept.) examines seven Shakespeare plays with character study in regard to one of the seven deadly sins: wrath, greed, sloth, pride, lust, envy, and gluttony. The question of the role of religious doctrine in selected plays is also addressed. Sharon Emmerichs received her BA in English literature from the University of Oregon and her MA and Ph.D. from the University of Missouri. Listen and find yourself in Shakespeare.
Published 11/03/14
Come hear UAA students share their creative work spanning various literary genres. Faculty selected all featured writings and will introduce their students. Poetry, fiction and memoir explored. (Stephen Bolen 24:08-27:53)
Published 04/17/14
Come hear UAA students share their creative work spanning various literary genres. Faculty selected all featured writings and will introduce their students. Poetry, fiction and memoir explored. (Stephen Bolen 20:43-20:54-26:15)
Published 11/20/13
Sudarsan Rangarajan leads a live discussion and critique of Michel Butor's novel "L'emploi du temps". The story lends itself to examination through nearly endless literary theories and genres, including detective, Gothic, journalistic, narrative, rhetoric, existential and post-colonial. With so many viewing angles, this event is fascinating for both readers and writers.
Published 09/20/13
Come hear UAA students share their creative work spanning various literary genres. Faculty selected all featured writings and will introduce their students. Poetry, fiction and memoir explored. (Stephen Bolen 27:48-29;54-30:51)
Published 04/18/13
Come hear UAA students share their creative work spanning various literary genres. Faculty selected all featured writings and will introduce their students. Poetry, fiction and memoir explored. (Stephen Bolen 13:17-16:05)
Published 11/29/12
In honor of the 20th anniversary of John Cage's death, professors Sean Licka (Art Dept.), Philip Munger (Music Dept.) and Chris Sweeney (Music Dept.) present an overview of John Cage's life, music and legacy
Published 09/13/12
Tom Sexton's collection of Lowell poems called "Bridge Street at Dusk" follows his collection "A Clock With No Hands" which focused on the mill town where he lived in Lowell, Mass. during the 1940's and 1950's. Tom Sexton's Alaskan poems can be found in in iTunes U under the Alaska Literary Events Live.
Published 07/23/12
Carolyn Turgeon teaches in the UAA MFA Program. She is the author of three novels: "Rain Village", "Godmother: The Secret Cinderella Story" and "Mermaid"--a retelling of the original little mermaid story. In "The Next Full Moon", the main character Ava goes back and forth between middle school and a magical realm.
Published 03/05/12
Poet Linda McCarriston is author of three works of poetry: "Talking Soft Dutch," "Eva Mary" and "Little River." At this event, she shares her reflections on life, poetry, words and politics.
Published 07/08/11
Love in the Afternoon welcomes all poetry lovers to read and share love poems. Original poems encouraged. Professors Clay Nunnally, Suzanne Forster, Robert Crosman, Shannon Gramse participate.
Published 02/14/11