Bring back Adam and joe !!!
I love Adam and joe I think that they quitted the podcast to soon and would have a great influence on my fern life and I think stopping has taken a chunk out of everybody’s live and I wish they started the podcast again
raxicorigo via Apple Podcasts · Great Britain · 08/21/22
More reviews of Adam and Joe
As Joe checks the iTunes messages every couple of minutes I'd like to let him know that his (and Adams) Podmax is trés fantastique, and its great to have them back again. I think you should do celebrity regression again..please?Read full review »
Raje1985 via Apple Podcasts · Great Britain · 02/04/08
I'm a jaded old git who works in 'the media', so not much surprises me enough to be funny. I had fond memories of the Adam and Jo show from CH4 a million years ago ('ball ball ball, footie footie footie') and always wondered what happened to those guys. These podcasts and the...Read full review »
Barry kingstar via Apple Podcasts · Great Britain · 02/21/08
Loving this and their xfm podcasts. Press subscribe now :)
Owen1981 via Apple Podcasts · Great Britain · 01/29/08
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