Diary of a Drug Fiend. This captivating novel, first published in 1922, explores the alluring highs and harrowing lows of addiction through the lens of Crowley’s unique philosophical and occult perspective. The Story Follow the passionate and chaotic journey of Peter Pendragon and his lover, Lou, as they are drawn into a whirlwind romance fueled...
In the tract on Liberty, Mill is advocating the rights of the individual as against Society at the very opening of an era that was rapidly coming to the conclusion that the individual had no absolute rights against Society. The eighteenth century view is that individuals existed first, each with...
Published 12/03/24
The Secret Commonwealth of Elves, Fauns & Fairies is an extraordinary journey into the hidden folklore and mysticism of Scotland’s magical realms. Written by Reverend Robert Kirk in the late 17th century, this classic text dives into the secret lives of supernatural beings said to inhabit the...
Published 12/03/24