It's that time of the year, when dumb metal singer puts his head on the chopping block and considers some of the things culturally, socially, politically that might be coming our way in 2024, it could be a rough ride so strap yourself in! The music version is to follow next week!! support the show over at http://patreon.com/alanaverill go and check out the band in todays podcast WINDTHROW https://windthrowofficial.bandcamp.com https://www.instagram.com/windthrow.official/ Primordial on...
Published 01/19/24
It's been a while but welcome back to the channel Addi from SOLSTAFIR as we finally get to our long overdue rough guide to THIN LIZZY who have perhaps written some of the greatest rock songs of all time.... well let's be clear, there's no perhaps about it....? they have support the show over at http://patreon.com/alanaverill Primordial on Spotify https://open.spotify.com/artist/0BZr6... Solstafir on...
Published 01/05/24
This one does what it says on the tin, my top 20 albums of 2023 It's a video over on my Youtube channel if you want to look at my dumb face! There's no doubt I forgot some albums, remind me of something you think I should have heard!! go and subscribe to: my youtube channel https://youtu.be/dumRwP2Euos?si=36hbYJ4DHppu3kbQ support the show over at http://www.patreon.com/AlanAverill sponsored by Metal Blade records https://metalblade.indiemerch.com/ promo code AA 2023 for 10% off your...
Published 12/22/23
In todays episode I discuss how quickly the spike after releasing new music dies down, what then? How do you resist getting trapped in a cycle of releasing endless sub par singles to keep things moving digitally. As booking agents look at these numbers, how do you buy views from Youtube and who do you reckon does that? and then a look at the story doing the rounds among some people about Spotify owner Daniel Ek's 100million euro investment into AI military defence tech, is that the natural...
Published 12/15/23
After a wandering preamble I take a look at the new Napoleon movie, should historical movies try and be accurate? Where does the line end between artistic license and open culture war propaganda, or the rewriting of history? Does it ultimately matter? Which parts of Braveheart were untrue and was Napoleon really the dim witted, low energy simpering cuck that the movie portrays? my youtube channel https://youtu.be/dumRwP2Euos?si=36hbYJ4DHppu3kbQ support the band sponsoring todays podcast!...
Published 12/08/23
In Episode 184 I look at old rock and metal bands re-animating old albums and reaching back into their youth for inspiration, is it a simply cash grab to sell some merch and a reason to tour or a genuine attempt to rediscover their mojo? or both, or....who the hell cares and any musician can do as they please with what they create....that and some random social commentary, the othering of those you disagree with, the Cavalera brothers, hate speech and is it the end of the humble rock bar? to...
Published 12/01/23
I had planned a completely different podcast, something or other about the music industry but seeing as my city was on fire last night and I walked through it I thought today should be a kinda emergency podcast about what the F is happening in Dublin. Details are still of course coming out and the narrative is changing but this was what I saw and felt last night in the city.....Recorded on the Friday morning after Nov. 24th with the possibility of more riots tonight.... Normal service will be...
Published 11/24/23
Episode 182 is a random look at 1960s counter cultural movement 'The Discordians', their founders, teaching and resonance in the modern age, feels like we could do with a lot more discord in our lives! Question authority, embrace chaos, be an individual, be creative, stir shit.....against the grain, against the mainstream narrative, and do it all with a sense of humour! They praised the Greek God of strife and chaos Eris and re-introduced the Illuminati as modern day conspiracy theory fave!...
Published 11/17/23
Episode 181 is chat about awful metal.....the worst bargain basement metal, joke albums made to cash in on how big metal was in the 80s, whole labels were devoted to doing so! Trust Metal Salvage to shine a drunken light on all of this carry on with Joe from GAMA BOMB It appeared over on my Youtube channel early on this week and part 2 is next week https://youtu.be/dumRwP2Euos?si=36hbYJ4DHppu3kbQ Partly inspired by https://thecorroseum.org/features/met... go here for all the links you will...
Published 11/10/23
This may be a fools errand but Episode 180 is a complex and controversial one, maybe I should stay out of it but we've tackled difficult subjects before on the podcast and I did one on the war in Ukraine so this is my attempt to explain the historical context behind the current conflict in the Middle East. It's not full of hot takes, although there is some spice here and there, but more an attempt to create some kinda timeline, and look at some of the reasons why we are in the state we are in...
Published 11/03/23
My brain is like Swiss cheese....is about the most insightful thing Episode 179 offers you but I try and get to grips with Joan of Arc, from a mention in a Celtic Frost lyric all the way to a whole verse in The Smiths 'Bigmouth strikes again', where the title of todays podcast came from all the way to.....well being one of the most iconic figures in modern history. Her story is one of conquering adversity, kicking the patriarchy squarely in the balls, crowing a King, lifting a siege,...
Published 10/27/23
This is the first podcast in weeks, I took a short break while on tour, so I look back on that, how you end up living in this artificial bubble on tour, which almost feels like a pre-internet period! You have limited news and interaction online and end up forming real life social friendships and bonds, and then after a whirlwind few weeks you are back on the couch staring out the window at the rain. This is one thing but then the real news out there in this deep dark world not only bursts...
Published 10/20/23
With the Ultima Ratio tour starting in two days across Europe with Primordial just before Paradise Lost and with Harakiri for the sky and Omnium Gatherum opening, this podcast is about my final preparations before the tour. It is our first support tour for about ten years perhaps even more, so what's different? Playing in the second last slot is a very different proposition, short time slot, less logistics, less of a financial burden when you are not the headliner, the night does not depend...
Published 09/29/23
Todays episode ironically looks at the impact and influence of podcasts on modern society, how many hours do they take up from your week? did you used to listen to music in this time? Do we listen to them too much, do they speak to increasing studies which claim we are more lonely and depressed then ever, do podcast fill a gap where we once had a social life in an atomised society? and what are the knock on effects, from dating to reproducing! but more importantly did they help kill the album...
Published 09/22/23
Simple question, is Reign In Blood still the most extreme metal record ever made? Most likely..... support the show over at http://www.patreon.com/AlanAverill sponsored by Metal Blade records https://metalblade.indiemerch.com/ promo code AA 2023 for 10% off your order ships worldwide you can order the new Primordial vinyl right here : https://eu.kingsroadmerch.com/metal-blade/category/4370/primordial-pre-order for professional band backdrops or other requests contact...
Published 09/15/23
I am nothing but a people person, it's always been said. So this Episode is just a retelling of some dumb drunken high jinks on tour somewhere in 2006 or 2007 in Finland. It has everything, saunas, pirates, mohawks, liquorice, smashed mirrors and broken furniture.... support the show over at http://www.patreon.com/AlanAverill sponsored by Metal Blade records https://metalblade.indiemerch.com/ promo code AA 2023 for 10% off your order ships worldwide you can order the new Primordial...
Published 09/08/23
Maybe I had too much coffee the morning of recording but I certainly blitzed this one! A breathless retelling of the history of the awe inspiring and deeply fascinating Haitian Revolution, how Toussant L'Overture, who became known as the Black Napoleon rose from humble origins to lead his island nation to independence and throwing off the shackles of slavery, while defeating the French, Spanish and British along the way! The new Primordial album revolves around themes of liberty, revolution...
Published 09/01/23
In today's episode I discuss some of the finer details of the new Primordial, the cover, lyrical inspiration, have expectations changed in this atomised world we live in? Who has left the band? sometimes you do just reach the end of the road. All of that and a brief look at the Blackbraid controversy at Midgardsblot festival, we've all done things we regret when drinkin' right? How to deal with trolls and forum lizards and the brain breaking illogic of never speaking to anyone who you might...
Published 08/25/23
Episode 172 is a chat with an old friend..... we toured together in 1994! in fact Sigh's first gig ever outside of Japan was in Dublin, we discuss that, loads of other crazy old stories, signing with Euronymous DSP label back in the day, and finding our way back to the beginning near the end! support the show over at http://www.patreon.com/AlanAverill sponsored by Metal Blade records https://www.indiemerch.com/metalblade... promo code AA 2023 for 10% off your order ships worldwide for...
Published 08/18/23
What happens when your worst fears as a singer are happening....right then and right there....your in-ear monitors fail, you can't hear a thing, you make a f'n huge mistake in front of 1000s of people, the show could go to hell and hangs on a knifes edge, got to call the gods of the manosphere for some self control and take command of the situation right? find out did I manage or not at Beyond the Gates. If a butterfly flaps its wings in Tokyo do we have a complete mud bath in a field in...
Published 08/11/23
Episode 170 is a quick one before heading off to play 'To the nameless dead' at Beyond the Gates festival with Primordial, normal, or more normal service will be resumed next week. This one is about all the things you have to prepare for such a show, what can go wrong, the dilemmas, worries, stresses, costs and pressure involved, from the voice, to the gear to the airline not losing anything, to the guy making the new stage props! will we avoid meme hell!!! The show also has a sponsored track...
Published 08/04/23
WHY DO BANDS RE-RECORD ALBUMS? Contract issues, no royalties ever paid, in order to tour, to spike interest, a new singer, or maybe just for fun! and what ever happened to the classic live album? Nick Barker gofundme: https://gofund.me/4ea03ab2 support the show over at http://www.patreon.com/AlanAverill sponsored by Metal Blade records https://www.indiemerch.com/metalblade... promo code AA 2023 for 10% off your order ships worldwide for professional band backdrops or other requests contact...
Published 07/28/23
168 is a rambling random episode that started out as an attempt to answer questions put to me in Instagram that turned into a mini rant about everything from the drum machine on Bathory's 'Blood on Ice' via the dilemma of speaking your mind in interviews, wise man think all he says and dumb metal singer says all he thinks, which am I? does it do any good to debate who funds Greta or is Hate speech just bullying on steroids? Who knows.... support the show over...
Published 07/21/23
Episode 167 is a chat w/ JAMES PLOTKIN James is one of the most prolific underground artists of the last 30+ years, from his beginnings in the grindcore scene with Regurgitation in 1987, through OLD, Scorn, a myriad of solo and collaborative releases, from digital hardcore to dark ambient and many points between, Phantomsmasher, Khlyst, Jodis and now to a new Khanate album. He also is well known for producing, mixing, remixing and mastering for bands such as Sunn O))), Pelican, Isis, Earth...
Published 07/14/23
As Primordial is this weekend about to make the first video for the new album I discuss what goes into that, the crew, preparation, initial ideas, interpretation of lyrics, finding people who can work for cheap in a contracting industry but more expensive world! and ultimately why I often find the experience vaguely unsatisfying as juggling the logistics, finances and hope and wish to get eyeballs on the final product often jars with what is ultimately a creative and artistic endeavour....are...
Published 07/07/23