Barry Nussbaum on Daily Ledger with Graham Ledger on Iranian Nuclear Deal.
Published 09/24/16
Barry Nussbaum on the Iran Nuclear Deal from the beach in Maui.
Published 09/10/16
Barry Nussbaum on The Rick Amato show discussed Iran's Nuclear Blacklisted Co.'s & Ships in the Gulf of Hormuz.
Published 09/06/16
Barry Nussbaum with guest host Ethan Bearman discussing a rocket fired at Israel from Gaza, the Iran deal and $50 billion payoff, and the Temple Mount Sift.
Published 09/06/16
Barry Nussbaum on KUSI News discusses Democratic Primaries and the Battle of GOP Wives.
Published 09/05/16
IAF Brigadier General Yaron Rosen talked with American Truth Project's, Barry Nussbaum about the struggles the IAF face.
Published 09/04/16
Barry Nussbaum discusses Trump's appearance on Saturday Night Live.
Published 09/03/16
Barry Nussbaum discusses possibilities for the next Speaker of the House.
Published 08/27/16
Micha Danzig on The Barry Nussbaum Report explains why the Iran nuclear deal is bad for America and the world. Part 2
Published 08/27/16
Micha Danzig on The Barry Nussbaum Report explains why the Iran Nuclear Deal is bad for the world.
Published 08/27/16
Barry Nussbaum appears on The Daily Ledger.
Published 08/27/16
Micha Danzig on The Barry Nussbaum Report describes the Iran Nuclear Deal.
Published 08/26/16
Barry Nussbaum discusses Donald Trump and the election 2016.
Published 08/26/16
American Truth Project with Graham Ledger of Daily Ledger show on One American News Network discussing the Iran Nuclear Deal.
Published 08/25/16
Barry Nussbaum discusses Barry Nussbaum discusses presidential candidate, Carly Fiorina.
Published 08/25/16
Barry Nussbaum chronicles media appearances.
Published 08/25/16
Discussing the Iran Nuclear Deal on KUSI.
Published 08/25/16
Barry Nussbaum appears on San Diego 6 at Iran nuclear deal protest in Balboa Park.
Published 08/24/16
The Iran Nuclear Deal The 12 Fatal Flaws of the JCPOA .
Published 08/24/16
The Iran Nuclear Deal The 12 Fatal Flaws of the JCPOA .
Published 08/24/16
The Iran Nuclear Deal: the 12 Fatal Flaws of the JCPOA.
Published 08/24/16
Barry Nussbaum discusses Brexit, Trump and terrorism to the North County Conservatives.
Published 08/23/16
Today's show discusses Obama’s endorsement of Clinton after meeting with Sanders.
Published 06/15/16
Barry Nussbaum speech at the Fallbrook RWF discusses the path to victory for Donald Trump.
Published 06/14/16
The Truth Report with Congressman Duncan Hunter discusses his trip to Israel and his report on the defense of Israel.
Published 05/24/16