The Howards' Way Podcast - Series 2 Episode 10
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Join us on our epic rewatch of the BBC's prime-time 1980s yachty drama - Howards' Way. This week, Charles' plans for Relton step up a gear. Polly meets Curtis "Herr Flick" Jaeger, and he critiques her handbag! Jack's entanglement with Caroline Double-Barrelled continues. Leo discovers that sail-making isn't as thrilling as it sounds, and upsets Davy with his plans to leave the boatyard (being completely oblivious to Davy's feelings towards him, probably!). Avril confronts David Lloyd about his Relton shareholding. Kate's faces racehorse ruination, but Ken offers her a job. Ken meets Sarah Foster, while Dawn catches the bus. Jan's business is in trouble due to supplier issues caused by Clod's ex. And Lynn and Clod marry, and Jan wears a Captain Scarlet inspired outfit. Don't forget to join in the DVD rewatch every Sunday at 8pm, and tweetalong using the tag #HowardsWay Check out our website: