Lauren Korstrom is an outdoor lover from Canada, who now lives in Methven, Canterbury. With Mount Somers in her back yard, Lauren has become quite passionate about the area, and the huge variety of tracks that there are from family-friendly beginner tracks to more advanced hiking. Mount Somers is also home to the popular Woolshed Creek and Pinnacles Huts for an overnight tramp. Lauren has always been a runner, but wanted a change from road running. She recently competed in her first trail...
Published 12/14/23
Ashley Elliott @littlekiwitravels shares about juggling a full-time job and making time for smaller local escapes on the weekends. She methodically plans each detail of the trip, to fit in as much as possible in a small amount of time. We talk about some of the best spots in the Waikato to visit, including the Coromandel and Waitomo - from flower fields to waterfalls to hot springs. Whether you're doing a lot of activities or you're having a more relaxed getaway, Ashley says it's important to...
Published 12/07/23
We live in a time where we can fly and explore the skies - something our ancestors only dreamed of. Caleb Dearlove and Josh Townshend share their love for paragliding in New Zealand. Josh is a paragliding instructor in Christchurch and Caleb recently found himself hooked on the sport. In this episode, they share the process of how anyone can get their paragliding certification to fly solo and they recommend Queenstown for your first recreational tandem flight. Caleb and Josh both share some...
Published 11/30/23
From Franz Josef to Karamea, Neha Paranjape did a solo road trip on the rugged, remote West Coast in her little hatchback. Her adventure included a glacier heli hike, golden sunset at Okarito lagoon, bush walks in the rain and her favourite moment was the kiwi hospitality she experienced at Karamea. Neha was unsure when a local gentleman offered to take her to the Ōparara Arches, but it turned out to be an amazing experience and a day they both remember fondly. Although Neha has lived all...
Published 11/23/23
Debbie Cartwright has always had a deep love for the outdoors. She shares about how it took her 47 years to start tramping. Debbie's first overnight hike was the Canyon Creek Track in Ahuriri Conservation Park. Her first time with a pack, almost forgetting her hiking poles and having a really windy night, Debbie shares all the ups and downs of that first time. Over the next three years, she has levelled up her hiking game with multiple tramps, snow skills and overseas trips as well. Debbie...
Published 11/16/23
Pat Nolan grew up on the West Coast of New Zealand and describes his outdoorsy family. From a young age, he would accompany his father on deer hunting trips into the backcountry. In this episode, Pat shares about the Three Passes Route from Arthur's Pass to Hokitika with his daughter over Harman Pass, Whitehorn Pass and Browning Pass. With a sudden change in weather, they had an awfully long day out of the Styx Valley, route finding with multiple river crossings, before eventually getting out...
Published 11/09/23
Raised in London, Scott Howes was never an outdoorsy person until his late 20s. He moved to New Zealand on a working holiday visa at 30 years old, just before the eligibility cutoff for the visa. Based out of Wellington, Scott has explored every part of Aotearoa, "except for Great Barrier Island and the Chatham Islands." He shares his two favourite places, Taranaki and Fiordland. Scott also shares his favourite hidden gems in the North and South Island - Kaweka Forest Park, Arthurs Pass and...
Published 11/02/23
Aotearoa Adventures host, Abigail Hannah, shares her big life update - quitting her 9-5. While this may look like Day 1, Abigail pulls back the curtain on the last six years that have led to this point, from failed businesses, upskilling in marketing courses and side-hustling. She shares about the self-doubt and imposter syndrome that kicked in pretty quick, while at the same time knowing she made the best decision possible. Abigail answers the big, “what’s next?” question and her plans for...
Published 11/01/23
Tracy Collins dreamed of visiting New Zealand for 50 years. She shares the highlights and unforgettable experiences of her whirlwind trip - with five days in the North Island and nine days in the South Island. Rotorua was on Tracy's bucketlist since she was a child and saw a TV show about the geothermal wonderland. As a first-time visitor, she raves about Wai-o-Tapu, Te Puia and the Polynesian Spa. Her South Island highlights included the TranzAlpine train, hiking Hooker Valley, staying in...
Published 10/26/23
Dunc Wilson is the first person to have cycled the entire coastline of New Zealand. He set off from Mission Bay in an Auckland summer and circumnavigated the North Island, South Island and Stewart Island over the next 8 months. Over his 10,940 km expedition, Dunc's rule was to stay as close to the coast as possible. He shares his love for the simplicity of life - just getting from A to B each day. After writing a book, The Big Loop, about his bicycle circumnavigation, Dunc is now onto his...
Published 10/19/23
Warrick and Chené have South African roots and visited New Zealand together in 2022. They fell in love with the South Island and decided they wanted to make it home again. They bought a Toyota Cruiser bus on TradeMe without seeing it and arrived in NZ three months later. They have DIYed the entire build and are really looking forward to hitting the road to travel slowly and revisit their favourite places in the South Island. Warrick and Chené are excited to go to Milford Sound again, what...
Published 10/12/23
[TW: Sexual Abuse] Germaine shares her transformative journey on Te Araroa trail, after contemplating this adventures for years. She opted to only walk the South Island section, as it represented everything she loved about hiking – mountains, vistas and isolation. Germaine faced physical challenges, including navigating treacherous terrain and unrelenting foot pain. Mentally, her toughest moments came when she confronted her unresolved emotions and trauma from past sexual abuse. Te Araroa...
Published 10/05/23
Lisa Jansen moved to Aotearoa for a study-abroad semester and stayed. She wondered what life would look like if it wasn't a family focused or career focused life and decided to travel in a van for a summer. It quickly turned into full-time vanlife as she found herself travelling Aotearoa for 4 years, despite the challenges of lockdowns during the global pandemic. During the winter, Lisa would housesit and now is a full-time housesitter, with flexible working in her marketing role. Lisa shares...
Published 09/28/23
The first hike Renee Cadigan did with her two boys was Mt Brown, a four hour hike which turned into seven. Following a head injury, Renee had a challenging journey to recovery, both physically and with her mental health. When she started hiking with her boys, knew this was something they needed more of. Renee shares some of other her other favrourite walks, even when things didn't go to plan - including Mueller Hut and Lake Kaurapataka. She shares advice for families that want to hike with...
Published 09/22/23
Your host, Abigail Hannah, shares a whirlwind week-long roadtrip from Kaikōura to Aoraki with only three days of annual leave! It was a packed trip - from whale watching in Kaikōura to exploring LOTR film sites to climbing 2,200 stairs before sunrise. This roadtrip was inspired by Abigail's cousins visiting from the UK and it was extra special to be able to share her favourite region in NZ, Aoraki, with them. The trip includes many kilometers of driving down gravel roads, and plenty of steps...
Published 09/15/23
The prep for Penzy Dinsdale's epic Southen Alps Traverse expedition started months in advance. She started mapping a route and included plans A, B, C and D for weather contingency. The final route took her through some of the most beautiful part of the backcountry, including Pioneer Pass, Lochnagar and Aoraki/Mt Cook to Farewell Spit. On day six, Penzy faced her biggest mental hurdle and wondered if she would go on to finish the expedition. The next day she mustered up the courage to...
Published 09/08/23
Kaelyn Kingi AKA @misswalkalot started walking after Covid-19. She found that she was sick of being "stuck" indoors all the time and decided that walking was something she wanted to do more. Kaelyn shares the Māori concept of te whare tapa whā and the importance of caring for your physical, mental, spiritual and social wellbeing. She found that walking helped her connect with all of these and she found a safe haven in the outdoors. Kaelyn talks about kaitiakitanga and the part that everyone...
Published 09/01/23
Rachel Davies first visited Aotearoa at seven years old and knew it was somewhere she wanted to return. When she moved to Wellington, she started out as a kayak guide. Her next adventure took her on a three week bikepacking adventure around the South Island - the longest bikepacking trip she had done. She fell in love with the pace of biking and had several more adventures and shorter bikepacking trips, including a hectic 32 hour race around the Banks Peninsula, where crossing the finish line...
Published 08/25/23
Bronson and Chelsea hit the road in their caravan with a toddler and 15 month old twins. They spent a year and a half exploring all that the South Island had to offer, including a "trip within a trip" to Stewart Island. We talk how they almost turned around in the first week, and other challenges along the way. Also known as Adventures with Rosy on socials, Bronson and Chelsea share why they decided to take the leap to live in a caravan and how they dealt with the opinions of other people who...
Published 08/18/23
After waiting a while for the right weather window, Sam Harrison hiked the Dusky Track in Fiordland with a few mates. The 84 km, eleven day backcountry route between Lake Hauroko and Lake Manapouri is for experienced and well equipped trampers. Sam opted to do an extra out-and-back detour into Dusky Sound, where they had a rest day, fishing, relaxing and fending off the sandflies. Based in Wellington, Sam spends his weekends tramping in the Tararua and Ruahine ranges closer to home. Sam...
Published 08/11/23
Jenifer Silva was an outdoor adventure guide in her 20s, but hadn't done much tramping in over a decade. Wanting to get back into tramping, she set off on a solo eight day walk in the Kaimai Mamaku Conservation Park, walking the length of the ranges from south to north. Over the course of the journey, Jenifer stayed in both huts and tents, faced plenty of mud, rain, overgrown track, stream crossings and fallen trees. As a self-proclaimed gear geek, she shares the tent, sleeping bag, pack and...
Published 08/04/23
Laura Goldsworthy started competitive mountain biking in her 20s, very "late" to the sport. While she always loved being outdoors, mountain biking wasn't really on her radar. Laura worked in a corporate job for 10 years so that she could save enough to quit and make her passion her full-time gig. She opens up about the highs and lows of downhill mountain biking - from competing alongside some of her heroes to painful injuries. Laura shares tips and advice for beginners, the best trails in...
Published 07/28/23
Off the beaten track in Aoraki National Park is Mount Wakefield, between Hooker Valley and Tasman Valley. Jinal Govind shares his experience tackling the unmarked track with a bunch of mates, navigating the challenging terrain, routefinding with TopoMaps, and spending the night in bivvys under the stars. We talk about Jinal's outdoor adventures, stepping outside his comfort zone and overcoming fear. Self-employed as a wedding photographer, Jinal sometimes finds it difficult to find a balance...
Published 07/21/23
Often found underwater, Annika Andresen is a passionate scuba diver, whose love for the ocean began as a child, spending every summer living on a 30 ft yacht and sailing around New Zealand. During university, she started off working as a deck hand on a boat, and working in Kelly Tarltons during winter. She now works with leading scientists on ocean research and is program manager for expeditions around the globe. In this episode we talk about all the best places to dive in Aotearoa, including...
Published 07/14/23
Morgan Healey always wanted to do a vanlife trip, but didn't have a van and found that holding her back. Then she was inspired when she saw someone else do a road trip out of their station wagon and booked ferry tickets that same night. It was her first time driving on her own, her first visit to the south island and her first solo trip. Morgan's adventure had it's fair share of mishaps, and she shares all the hilarious stories and moments. Since then, she found herself booking another...
Published 07/07/23