This episode exposes you to phrases, repeated in English and Arabic, to improve your Arabic vocabulary and help you to express yourself in Arabic.
These episodes are meant to accompany and accelerate your existing Arabic language studies, whether you're using an app like DuoLingo, or you're enrolled in a more formal Arabic class. The more you expose your brain to Arabic audio, the faster you'll learn.
View the full list of English and Arabic phrases in this episode.
Contact us with feedback and ideas:
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Phrases in this episode:
How are your projects going?
Are you a morning person or a night owl?
Have you ever had pets?
Do you have other language partners?
Why do you want to learn English?
How have you been studying English?
How long have you been learning English?
Your English is much better than my Arabic.
Your English is getting pretty good.
Your English pronunciation is improving.
Your English accent needs some work.
What sort of traveling do you like?
Where have you traveled?
Where do you imagine yourself 10 years from now?
What's next for you?
You should try this podcast I'm listening to.