Introduction: Welcome back to the Art of Consulting Podcast, where we explore the intersections of sports and business. Today, we'll delve into a thought-provoking experience from this summer, involving our host's daughter and her track and field journey. Through this story, we'll uncover valuable lessons about competition, sportsmanship, and striving for excellence. Episode Highlights: Lessons from Track and Field: • Our host's daughter participated in the US track Nationals,...
Published 11/17/23
Title: The Power of Helping Others: A Journey of Transformation Episode Highlights: Starting from Humble Beginnings: • In 1993, after graduating from college, our host found himself working as an operations supervisor for a furniture retailer. • His responsibilities included managing the warehouse, office tasks like invoicing and sales processing, customer service, and deliveries. • The challenges of customer service and frequent delivery mishaps were draining, and he questioned his...
Published 11/10/23
**Podcast Title:** "Mastering ERP Implementation: Insights from an OCM Expert"   **Show Notes:**   **Introduction:** In this episode of Art of Consulting, we dive deep into the world of ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) implementation with a focus on Organizational Change Management (OCM). Our special guest, Frederique Oberlin, an OCM extraordinaire with 18+ years of experience, shares invaluable insights and wisdom gained from various ERP projects.   **Episode Highlights:**   1....
Published 09/08/23
"Ignite Your Mind: The Power of Active Exploration"     Welcome to another episode of "Art of Consulting" with Andy and Kat. Today, we're diving deep into the transformative magic of active exploration and the incredible ways it can spark creativity and open your mind. In our previous episode, we touched upon the concept of creativity and how engaging in novel activities can create new synaptic connections in your brain. But today, we're going to delve even further into this fascinating...
Published 08/25/23
In this episode, you will understand the worth of taking the time to be with high performers. Andy talks about the observations made on the effect of spending time with high performers and low performers, which definitely has an effect.    Tune in and gain tips on how to find and productively spend time with high performers, and reap the benefits of growth personally and professionally. Quotes: “When We Spend Time With People Who Are Successful In Whatever It Is They're Doing, We Are...
Published 08/11/23
In this episode, Andy shares his thought about the value of being intentional in using social media. He talks about how the social media’s algorithm feeds us with suggestions that are sometimes counterproductive and how consuming those harms us over the long term.   Learning to be intentional about what you’re watching on social media will keep you from being fed information that is not helpful. Make sure to check out this episode. Quotes: “The Issue I Have With It Is That It's...
Published 08/04/23
In this episode, we are with Cat and Andy, helping us see more of the value of knowing and being able to focus on our main business. We have different roles between our work and personal lives, and some consultants have multiple clients. This is why it is essential for us to be able to stay efficient in these roles and get things done.   Tune in and get pro tips on productivity that will surely amp up your efficiency. Quotes: “People Will Talk About Priorities, And They'll Say We Got...
Published 05/05/23
In this episode, Andy shares an insight about trending and how it should not be the basis of the next outcome. He talks about the power of making a wise decision regardless of the trend you’re seeing and making your future independent of who you are yesterday.   Listen in and learn what you can do to take that needed pivot leading to the future you aspire for. Quotes: “Our Lives Are Not Dependent On Our Past. Our Past Is Our Past. What Happened Yesterday Is What Happened Yesterday.” ...
Published 04/28/23
In this episode, you will understand why knowledge isn’t always power. Andy explains the difference between knowing how to do something and being actually able to do something because the power only lies in how that knowledge is being applied or practiced to be able to benefit from the results.   Tune in now and be encouraged to build upon each success you reach as you execute and act on the information you have. Quotes: “Knowledge is only good if we can actually use it to some...
Published 04/21/23
In this episode, we have Andy talk about ghosting, some effects it has on people, and why we should avoid doing it to others. Ghosting shows unprofessionalism and may damage our personal, professional, or business relationships.    Hit the play button and know how to avoid doing it and what to do if we’re ghosted. Quotes: “Vanishing Is Just Not Cool In My Book, It's Not Professional, [And] It Doesn't Show Respect To The Other Individual.” “The Ghosting Piece Has An Effect On People…...
Published 04/14/23
In this episode, Andy unmasks the imposter syndrome and presents the positive effects it can bring us. You will learn how to identify it by looking at the symptoms and know the steps on how you can harness this state of mind to make it work for your advantage.   So, listen in now and enjoy the episode! Quotes: “I Think That Giving Anxiety, A Name, Like The Imposter Syndrome, Is Giving It Life.” “That Anxiety Is An Awareness Of The Gap Between Who We Are And Who We Want To Be. And...
Published 04/07/23
In this episode, Andy helps you see the importance of looking through your expenses and knowing where all those small expenses go because small spending can affect your cash flow and how you operate as a consultant. So, tune in now and learn how to responsibly monitor your expenses. Quotes: “It's More Important That We Be Aware Of Our Spending And Make A Conscious Choice Around It.“ “The Way You Spend Your Money Is Going To Affect How You Operate As A Consultant.”   Show Notes: ...
Published 03/31/23
In this episode, Andy talks about the challenges of having some freedom on how to go about your workday, especially as a consultant. People usually get trapped in the struggle to get going on a task but Andy gives practical tips on how to pull yourself out of being stuck and effectively accomplish your tasks for the day.   So, make sure to listen in and get this nugget that will surely help you boost your productivity.  Quotes: “One Of The Things That I Had To Do Was Parent Myself...
Published 03/24/23
In this episode, you will understand what empathy really is and how it can help you become better at serving your clients. Andy explains why it is hard to do and what it requires but he also shows how it can greatly impact your relationships with your clients.   Check out this episode now and enjoy! Quotes: “If Our Intent Is To Serve Another Person, Empathy Allows Us To Respond Appropriately. It Allows Us To Be Successful In Our Relationships.“ “When We Start To Empathize With...
Published 03/17/23
In this episode, we have Andy share about what having vices can lead us into and how to deal with them. He explained some reasons why people fall into bad habits and gave practical tips on how we can deal with it and eventually eliminate the habit.   Listen in now and enjoy keeping your life productive and reaching the levels of success that you are aiming for. Quotes: “Being Successful Is Being, First Of All, Aware Of It [Vices], But Also Being Able To Put Things In Place To Control...
Published 03/10/23
In this episode, Andy shows us the importance of preparedness, especially for events that could cause a significant impact on our businesses and in life. He discusses that sometimes, we use the terms like ‘unprecedented’ or ‘out of our control’ as a dismissive way of saying that we're actually not prepared.   So, listen in and learn how to prepare for the “known unknowns” that will save you from facing even larger complications as a result. Quotes: “We Use These Terms Like...
Published 03/03/23
In this episode, Andy explained how customers want us when they need us, and not when we show them that we need them. Investing your time or resources in your clients/customers will build that trust that will open opportunities for both you and them.   Listen in and know some tips on how you can invest in your clients and build that relationship on shared interests.  Quotes: “When We Invest Time, And We Invest Our Attention Into Each Other, That's When That Community Is Built.” ...
Published 02/17/23
In this episode, Andy discusses the benefits of being familiar with some aspects of the client’s business and the challenges they’re facing, especially the new ones. This will help reduce the stress brought by the unknowns and strongly presents your credibility.   Check out this episode now and know the things that you can do to gain familiarity that will surely help reduce stress in meeting your new clients. Quotes: “When You Go To See A Client, Do Everything You Can To Get Familiar...
Published 02/10/23
In this episode, Cat and Andy converse about the value of having a growth mindset as opposed to a fixed mindset. They looked into different situations where people may be able to have opportunities to step into growth, and shared things you can do to help foster a growth mindset and set yourself up for continuous development and success.   Make sure to listen in as they delve into principles you can reflect on and apply to yourself, and step into your next level of growth. Quotes: ...
Published 02/03/23
In this episode, Andy shares the insights he learned from a bird that comes and taps on his window every day. He talks about the value of being committed but at the same time making sure that our efforts are not wasted on something that is not aligned with our purpose and goals.    Tune in now and know how to avoid the frustration brought by wasted time, skills, and effort.   Quotes: “We [Would] Have To Ask The Question, ‘is What We're Doing Aligned With Our Goals?’” “Are We Getting...
Published 01/27/23
In this episode, Andy shares insights on giving up on being right. We all have some experiences where meetings get heated up because of different ideas that are being pushed, especially for some level of personal agenda. Here, he explains what “giving up on being right” means and what it looks like in consulting.    Listen in now and get tips on how you can be able to give up on being right and focus on delivering what is best for the client. Quotes: “If We're The One That Really...
Published 01/13/23