(keywords) (slightly edited version) "How to properly understand the Buddha's teachings on not being better, equal or worse than others? I’m especially interested in how to deal with the feelings of being superior to those who do not search anything deeper in life, who merely pursue immediate gratification of casual desires.” Ajahn Chah, Abhidhamma, Thai expression, ditthi mana, perceptions, up to scratch, balanced sensitivity, afraid of fear, hating aversion, spiritual toolkit, integrity, embodied mindfulness, intentional composure (indriyasamvara), wise reflection, compassion, challenging, enquiry, daring, judging, fear, overwhelmed, anger, indulging, denying, in-breath, expanding, temporary happiness, wellness retreat, selfless happiness, pressure.
(keywords) (slightly edited version) Transformative potential, trust, meditation, patience, compost, frustration, casual gratification, appointed as abbot, training monastery, resistance, teachers, boredom, terrible-twos, boundaries, indecisive, renunciation, setting limitations, nekkhamma...
Published 11/04/24
(keywords) (slightly edited version) Kathina ceremony, dhamma talk, food, chanting, hungry, gifts, most important, true principles, benefit, blessings, Mahamangala Sutta, deva, auspicious, runes, virtue, anxiety, spiritual faculties, integrity, sila, precepts, beauty, transformation, remorse,...
Published 11/03/24