(keywords) (slightly edited version) Challenges, environmental, ethical, political, state of the world, Dhammapada verse one, verse two, the heart leads the way, core issues, speculating, well-being, greed, hatred, delusion, polluted awareness, distorted consciousness, 3 poisons adittapariyaya sutta, The Fire Sermon, pointing, Ajahn Chah, burning hot coal, letting go, precepts, study, sitting, focussing on forms, first book, first retreat, pujas, perfunctory, meditation, harmonious alignment, cellophane, saddha, sati, sampajanna, Kassapa brothers, fire worshippers, famous teachers, paraphernalia, really new, daring, unknown.
(keywords) (slightly edited version) Transformative potential, trust, meditation, patience, compost, frustration, casual gratification, appointed as abbot, training monastery, resistance, teachers, boredom, terrible-twos, boundaries, indecisive, renunciation, setting limitations, nekkhamma...
Published 11/04/24
(keywords) (slightly edited version) Kathina ceremony, dhamma talk, food, chanting, hungry, gifts, most important, true principles, benefit, blessings, Mahamangala Sutta, deva, auspicious, runes, virtue, anxiety, spiritual faculties, integrity, sila, precepts, beauty, transformation, remorse,...
Published 11/03/24