(keywords) (slightly edited version) Mahayana, Theravada, ‘Trusting In The Heart’, suffering, the Middle Way, first teachings, Four Noble Truths, Pancavaggi bhikkhus, spiritual faculties, complicit, self-loathing, overwhelmed, nourished, Brahma Viharas, open-hearted state, samadhi, intoxicated, beguiling, anger, indignation, the three poisons, fear, rate of change, anxiety pandemic, conscious relationship, formal meditation, fear of losing control, Ajahn Dukkha, authentic compassion, undoing denial, who is afraid, storehouse of wholesomeness.
(keywords) (slightly edited version) Transformative potential, trust, meditation, patience, compost, frustration, casual gratification, appointed as abbot, training monastery, resistance, teachers, boredom, terrible-twos, boundaries, indecisive, renunciation, setting limitations, nekkhamma...
Published 11/04/24
(keywords) (slightly edited version) Kathina ceremony, dhamma talk, food, chanting, hungry, gifts, most important, true principles, benefit, blessings, Mahamangala Sutta, deva, auspicious, runes, virtue, anxiety, spiritual faculties, integrity, sila, precepts, beauty, transformation, remorse,...
Published 11/03/24