Today’s Devotion
Topic: The Life That We Live In Christ
Text: Philemon 4-7
"4 I always thank my God as I remember you in my prayers, 5 because I hear about your love for all his holy people and your faith in the Lord Jesus. 6 I pray that your partnership with us in the faith may be effective in deepening your understanding of every good thing we share for the sake of Christ. 7 Your love has given me great joy and encouragement, because you, brother, have refreshed the hearts of the Lord's people." Amen!
Beloved in Christ, the little or much we keep doing for the sake of the gospel, often has several recurring effects on many others who may be observing us from afar; and we wouldn't even know. This is especially so for the people who take the Word of God seriously and apply its truth to their every circumstance.
These same people offer themselves daily to prayer and devotion. They therefore literally carry the presence of God with them everywhere they go.
A little smile here, a little act of kindness there; the demonstration of their faith everywhere and they are making Christianity very attractive to those who do not believe. Their lives reassure those who have gone astray of the love in Christ that awaits to transform them into HIS likeness if they will just come back home.
Philemon, was one of such believers. His love for the Lord and service to His people had refreshed many and encouraged giants like Paul that their effort in sharing the gospel was not in vain at all. Actually, the lives of many that are like Philemon, are there as evidence for all who doubt that Jesus Christ saves, redeems, transforms and glorifies all who come to Him; especially those who believe in His name.
Beloved, why shouldn't your own life in Christ be like that of Philemon too? Isn't the Spirit who rose Jesus from the dead, and quickened the mortal bodies of the such as Philemon, the same who is living on the inside of you? Why then, has your life in Christ not attracted unbelievers back to God and failed to encourage the Lord's labourers that their work is not in vain?
Check your life and have some retrospective reflections. How practical is your love for all the Saints, and how tangible is your faith in Jesus? How has your love for God given great joy and encouragement to those who preach the gospel and defend our faith? How many of the Lord's people does your life and faith refresh every day?
Meditate on these and begin to pray. Trusting the Lord Jesus to transform you by the renewal of your mind so that you can be like Him in thought and in action. Many want to believe what they hear about the gospel of Christ, but they look at your life first. Don't disappoint Heaven. May your life perpetually reflect the beauty of our God and may He constantly demonstrate all His blessings and glory through you.
That way, the sinner is attracted home, and the labourer is encouraged to continue working for our God. Go out today and every day, and be used by God to witness to, encourage and refresh as many as His light upon your life will attract unto Himself. Kindly click, watch and be blessed:
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