News; birthdays/events; habits that speed up aging; word of the day.
News; what questions should we ask Butterball on your behalf?; game: quiz; game: feud.
News; how long do you expect to wait for food? (either out or at home); have you ever seen a fan get banned from a stadium? (Yankees fan/mookie); game: calendar trivia.
News; how are you dealing with the sunset blues?; do you pick certain nuts out of a can of mixed nuts?; goodbye/fun facts....National Candy it's all about the bright colors and delightful flavors...but that's not how it started. The story of candy begins in India. Around the 4th century BC, the Persians and Greeks learned that the people in India had, what they called, reeds that make honey without bees. These reeds were actually sugarcane and the Ancient Indians would boil sugarcane juice, turning it into individual pieces of sugar, which they called “khanda.” In the late 13th century...people used candy as a form of medicine, candy calmed the digestive system or cooled a sore throat. Candy first came to America in the 18th century from France and Britain. Very few colonists were skilled in sugar work, meaning only the wealthy were able to enjoy these new treats. In the 1830s, when the Industrial Revolution was in full swing, technological advances allowed candy to be accessible to more than just the rich.