Rev. Hule Goddard speaks on the weight of repentence and belief.
Published 09/17/10
Rev. Hule Goddard speaks on how to go to others who are alone like a little child.
Published 09/16/10
Rev. Hule Goddard speaks on how God prunes us to produce joy and love.
Published 09/15/10
Rev. Hule Goddard speak on God's love, acceptance, and relationship with us.
Published 09/15/10
Rev. Hule Goddard speaks on patience, healing, and forgivness.
Published 09/14/10
Rev. Hule Goddard speaks on the coventant of God to remain and cleanse us.
Published 09/13/10
Rev. Hule Goddard uses vines and branches as examples of how Christians should recieve.
Published 09/13/10
Mr. Colmon Elridge speaks on his journey of faith and grace.
Published 09/10/10
Students speak about giving their summers to missions.
Published 09/08/10
Rev. John Njoroge speaks on purpose, vision, and holiness.
Published 09/03/10
Calab Friedeman speaks on holiness, redepmtion, and how we as Christians should be involved in outreach.
Published 09/01/10
Dr. Malinda Stull tells her testimony and talks about the importance of forgiveness.
Published 08/30/10
Rev. Bert Jones speaks about Esau and "trading away" blessings.
Published 08/27/10
Greg Haseloff speaks about worshipping in unity as the body and mind of Christ.
Published 08/25/10
Dr. Gray speaks in chapel on the topic of truth and knowledge.
Published 08/23/10