Dr. Yarhouse continues his teaching from Monday with a sermon entitled "Sexual Identity & the Christian: Creating a Campus Climate of Praise"
Published 02/24/10
Dr. Yarhouse speaks on "Sexual Identity and the Christian: Creating a Campus Climate of Care"
Published 02/22/10
Rev. Taylor gives a sermon entitled "Light"
Published 02/19/10
Rev. Greg Haseloff speaks on "LENT: For Cleansing of the Soul"
Published 02/17/10
Dr. Spann speaks about "Observations While Watching My Sheep"
Published 02/15/10
Professor Roy Lauter gives a sermon entitled "Lessons I Learned From Judas"
Published 02/12/10
Matt Cessna and Tim Bishop give their testimonies.
Published 02/10/10
Rev. Stan Key speaks about "The Potter's House."
Published 02/08/10
Dr. Steve DeNeff concludes Holiness Emphasis Week with a sermon challenging the church to move from "Me to We".
Published 02/08/10
Dr. Steve DeNeff shares during the evening service.
Published 02/08/10
Dr. Steve DeNeff shares during the evening service.
Published 02/08/10
Dr. Steve DeNeff speaks on "Preparation for Another World."
Published 02/05/10
Dr. Oswalt speaks at the evening service during Holiness Emphasis Week.
Published 02/05/10
Dr. Oswalt speaks during Holiness Emphasis Week, with a message on "The Joy of Holy Living."
Published 02/01/10
Pastor Stacey Foster preaches on "Radical Obedience" and challenges the campus to sacrifice what they think is good.
Published 01/29/10
Mr. Daniel Koehn acts out scripture directly from the Gospel of John for the Asbury community.
Published 01/27/10
Dr. Amy Wasserbauer encourages us to "Come and See" how Jesus wants us to worship in spirit and in truth.
Published 01/25/10
Rev. Chuck Engelhardt shares in chapel.
Published 01/25/10
Dr. J.J. Jackson shares during the Martin Luther king Jr. chapel.
Published 01/20/10
Mrs. Nancy Sleeth shares how "Following Jesus is Good for the Planet."
Published 01/20/10
Dr. Jon Kulaga shares his thoughts on being "Scent Ones."
Published 01/13/10
The campus community gathers together for the annual Wesley Covenant Renewal Service.
Published 01/11/10