Today Nicole talks to Allison, a former middle school teacher who, after 9 years in education, courageously transitioned to coaching. In this episode, she shares the challenges she faced, overcoming the fear of taking the plunge while balancing the demands of motherhood.  You can find show notes and more information by clicking here: http://tinyurl.com/bde42aew 
Published 12/28/23
What is the biggest roadblock for coaches searching for sustainable and long-term success? In this episode, Nicole shares the reasons she believes momentum stops and success fades away, even when it seems you were on the right track initially. She describes the common tendency to halt practices that yield positive results, and the critical role of our thoughts and decisions in this process. You can find show notes and more information by clicking here: https://tinyurl.com/2rv3hfae 
Published 12/21/23
In the pursuit of online business success, do you find yourself caught in a loop of effort without results? If your attention is solely fixated on problems, they're likely to proliferate. Nicole has a revelation that could be a game-changer: what we focus on tends to multiply. In this episode, Nicole explores the crucial balance between the law of attraction and actionable steps in entrepreneurship. You can find show notes and more information by clicking here: http://tinyurl.com/y2ajymb9 
Published 12/14/23
With the year drawing to a close and aspirations for the future taking center stage, Nicole unveils a game-changing perspective on goal setting for online coaching businesses. Rather than delving into the intricacies of methodologies, Nicole shifts the narrative by focusing on a crucial aspect: timelines. In this episode, she challenges the conventional emphasis on long-term goals, contending that short-term objectives hold the key to success.  You can find show notes and more information by...
Published 12/07/23
What is the ideal speed for sustainable and long-term success? In this episode, Nicole highlights the importance of portraying a realistic yet aspirational perspective on online business growth. While rapid growth is achievable, Nicole shares that sustained, lucrative success requires playing the long game at every stage of your entrepreneurial journey. Building a business with enduring success requires establishing a strong foundation.  You can find show notes and more information by...
Published 11/30/23
Every individual achieving extraordinary results in their life and business encounters fear, and Nicole is here to provide a game plan for those coaches aiming to step into the fear and take action anyway. Dive into understanding how fear manifests itself, recognizing its biggest signs, and discovering the pivotal role of investing in support and mentorship to channel fear effectively. You can find show notes and more information by clicking here: https://tinyurl.com/4zab6sd5 
Published 11/23/23
Wondering about holiday promotions for your online coaching business? Despite common misconceptions, the holiday season can be a prime time for attracting clients. In this episode, Nicole dispels myths around holiday promotions and shares effective strategies to create a successful one. You can find show notes and more information by clicking here: https://tinyurl.com/2p8rmsuw 
Published 11/16/23
Are you stuck in the cycle of taking more action, implementing countless strategies, and still not achieving the results you desire? Join us in this compelling episode as we delve into a fresh perspective with Jess Amendola, a Spiritual Alignment Coach, who specializes in guiding individuals towards whole-self integration. Jess's journey of transformation began with the understanding that every painful experience carries a divine lesson and an opportunity for growth. In this episode, Jess...
Published 11/09/23
Listen in as Nicole introduces a concept that can profoundly impact your life and approach to building an online coaching business: the understanding that your thoughts are not facts. She delves into the idea that while tactical strategies are vital for success, the beliefs and thoughts you hold play an equally crucial role. This episode is your guide to inner work, helping you break free from mental barriers that may be hindering your progress and empowering you to transform your approach to...
Published 11/02/23
Today Nicole welcomes A.J. Morton, the mind behind FitPro Mentorship Review and the Co-Founder of BrandifAi, to shed light on the dynamics of the online coaching industry. A.J. offers insights into the current state of the online coaching market and explains the critical importance of finding the right coach to ensure your investment doesn't go to waste. With an emphasis on long-term trust and connection, A.J. also shares the shifts and trends he's observed since entering the industry.  You...
Published 10/26/23
Joining the show today is Jody Medor, who has not only been a previous client of Nicole’s, but has also carved her path as an empowering health and wellness coach. Jody’s journey is truly inspiring, and in this episode, she shares her transformative experience building her coaching business. We delve into Jody’s initial motivations for entering the coaching space and how she discovered her niche, emphasizing the importance of flexibility in one’s business-building journey. You can find show...
Published 10/19/23
Are you curious about the evolving landscape of the coaching industry and how it's impacting sales? Join Nicole and Sales Expert, Princess Bonhomme, in this episode as they dive deep into the world of coaching, sales strategies, and mindset. This year has ushered in changes in the way coaching services are sold, and they're here to explore the reasons behind these shifts. You can find show notes and more information by clicking here: https://tinyurl.com/2423z2db
Published 10/12/23
Despite the growing interest in coaching, the market is far from saturated. In fact, coaching remains a unique and impactful profession that nothing else can replicate. As a coach, you have the power to change lives, and your influence can create a positive snowball effect. In this episode, Nicole will be discussing the state and future of the online coaching industry. You can find show notes and more information by clicking here: https://tinyurl.com/ywn452xb 
Published 10/05/23
Today Chantal Gagnon, a Financial Mindset and Beliefs Coach, joins the show to share her remarkable journey through our program and her path to building a sustainable and successful business. Chantal emphasizes that the decision to quit often isn't rooted in money, but rather in deeper underlying causes that hold us back from embracing our true potential. This episode delves into the profound connection between your internal beliefs and your external reality, urging you to confront and...
Published 09/28/23
Do you find yourself constantly delaying the launch of your coaching business, waiting for that elusive "perfect moment" to start? In this episode, Nicole delves into the common misconceptions and self-imposed barriers that often hinder aspiring coaches from taking the leap into entrepreneurship. She debunks the myths that lead to procrastination and delay tactics, emphasizing the importance of clarity in your coaching niche and target audience.  You can find show notes and more information...
Published 09/21/23
In the dynamic world of online business, where opportunities are on the rise, understanding the critical distinction between tactics and strategy is paramount, especially for online coaches. Whether you're already feeling the pulse of this exciting landscape or not, today's episode will give you valuable insights that can set you apart in a competitive market. You can find show notes and more information by clicking here: https://tinyurl.com/mw6mwnxz 
Published 09/14/23
Ever wondered how to juggle a marketing-intensive program, launch an online coaching business, and manage a household with a 2-year-old while being 36.5 weeks pregnant—all at once? Katie Little not only accomplished this feat, but also turned her endeavor into a thriving success story. In this episode, Katie shares her remarkable journey into the world of online coaching, offering a treasure trove of insights on effective discipline, time management, and the art of prioritization. You can...
Published 09/07/23
Are you ready to unlock the key to sustained success and fulfillment as an online coach? Today Nicole dives into a critical aspect of the journey: leveraging the transformative power of the messy middle. You'll learn how to overcome your fear of failure and sidestep the perfectionism trap, replacing it with being "good enough" and channeling energy into the process. You can find show notes and more information by clicking here: https://bit.ly/45vxRWH 
Published 08/31/23
Have you ever found yourself trapped in a cycle of investing even more into something that's clearly not yielding results? Today Nicole delves into a critical thought process that often sabotages outcomes, racking up a hefty toll on both time and opportunities. The concept at the center of this discussion is the sunk cost fallacy – that inner tug to persist with a failing endeavor simply because you've already invested so much in it. You can find show notes and more information by clicking...
Published 08/24/23
When you shift the inner world—your thoughts, belief systems, etc.—that’s where the extraordinary results in your online coaching business ultimately come from. My client, Matt Travis, is a perfect example of that, and as I was in the middle of a Facebook Live conversation with him, I realized that I needed to share this conversation with you! Listen in to hear his thoughts on my program, what he did to get through the program successfully, and how he transformed his mindset and business.  ...
Published 08/17/23
We are all human and will inevitably have times when life happens and it’s crazy, overwhelming, demanding, emotional, and exhausting. As business owners, it can be really challenging walking the line between giving your business the attention it needs and still showing up for the people you love and handling important things on the personal side. So, in this episode, I will be laying out a framework to help you navigate both business and life in a way that allows you to be successful and...
Published 08/10/23
Are you a coach who is yet to reach the coveted six-figure mark consistently in your online coaching business? If so, this episode is tailor-made for you. Join Nicole as she draws from her vast experience coaching nearly 3,000 clients and shares crucial insights specifically designed for those in the pre-six-figure stage. In the early phases of building an online coaching business, it's vital to have the right support, but what you truly need might surprise you. You can find show notes and...
Published 08/03/23
Cindy Van Arnam is the owner and Spiritual Business Strategist at Full Blast Coaching, where she works with healers and online coaches to eradicate spiritual poverty so that they can hit $10k months and beyond. In this episode, she discusses the pivotal role of taking action if you want to achieve the success you desire and how to identify intuition by quieting the ego and remaining true to yourself. You can find show notes and more information by clicking here: https://bit.ly/3rN9vsP 
Published 07/27/23
This episode is a follow-up to one of my earliest episodes, episode 16! I wanted to expand upon and go even more in-depth on why it’s so important to master organic marketing before getting into paid ads. This is something that is more true than ever before, so let’s dive into why that is and what’s so BIG about knowing when (or when not) to enter the world of paid ads. You can find show notes and more information by clicking here: https://bit.ly/46USHAb
Published 07/20/23
Coaches hold the power to transform the world, bringing about positive change and making it a better place for all. However, the sad reality is that the majority of coaches struggle to succeed, often failing within their first year. In this episode, Nicole delves into the reasons behind the high failure rate among online coaches and offers alternative approaches for aspiring coaches. You can find show notes and more information by clicking here: https://bit.ly/43koqI2
Published 07/13/23