A Kate Spade handbag has been one of the world’s most desired fashion accessories. Kate was the fun-loving and exuberant fashion journalist who created an international fashion empire. Despite no formal design training, she mocked up her first handbags from tracing paper. Then, she and husband Andy, took those designs, and created a fledgling business. They grew from their small Manhattan apartment to stores and offices worldwide. They expanded from handbags to shoes, women’s wear, accessories and stationary. In 2006 they sold the company and settled down to have a family. But Kate also nursed a secret. She was prone to anxiety and depression. Her mental health deteriorated to the point that, she took her own life by hanging on June 6th 2018. She died in her apartment alone, aged 55. It was a tragic end to a life, and all the more tragic as it was preventable. Now, in this heartfelt and empathetic episode, forensic pathologist Dr. Michael Hunter investigates the mystery of Kate’s darkness that caused her to end it all.
Actress Elizabeth Montgomery became a household name as “Samantha,“ the nose-twitching witch in the TV series “Bewitched.” But after a successful career, Elizabeth died at the age of 64, after a short battle with colon cancer that should be easy to treat and prevent.
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Published 04/11/23
Hollywood icon, Dennis Hopper, was known for his revolutionary road movie “Easy Rider.” But his rapid decline and death still remain mysterious. Forensic pathologist, Dr. Michael Hunter examines Dennis Hopper’s dramatic life and discovers a secret that Dennis kept from the world for over 10...
Published 04/11/23