Please join us in a wonderful experience featuring Rama Inacio, sound and vibrational healing expert. Learn the science and methodology behind vibrational and sound healing and how it assists the body in achieving an aligned state supporting health and well-being. You will also experience a vibrational healing meditation using different sound modalities. Don't miss this enlightening and healing broadcast.
Join Awaken to Your Best Health to hear from Dr. Garrett Sullivan, M.D., and Fellow in Integrative Medicine. This educational and enlightening show will challenge your beliefs about traditional medicine and provide a more inclusive and "integrative" approach to diagnosis and treatment. Dr....
Published 07/08/14
Join us and our special guest Yogacharya Ellen Grace O'Brian for a special broadcast to learn about using yoga as a practice to spiritual consciousness. Yogacharya will discuss the specific practice of Kriya Yoga and how this differs from the practices of physical yoga that many of us are...
Published 06/24/14
Janet Conner has written the No. 1 book in the journal writing category and her work focuses on both a hands-on and feet-on approach to connecting with the Divine. She shares the three most important tips our listeners can begin focusing on right now. You don't have to be a writer to practice...
Published 06/10/14