Majestic Coaching Group - Pat Alva-Kraker
The world knew her as an international IT project manager, and a
community leader. A successful Latina woman working in two male‐dominated
industries, IT and engineering. In order to be accepted, each morning Pat put on
her two‐piece skirt suit with pumps; making decisions from her analytical side and
forfeiting her strong sense of intuition.
Then, after a 35‐year career, Pat “woke up”, began her own journey of elation and
donated 100% of her corporate “uniforms” to The Ladder Alliance and now
chooses to live an empowered life.
Grace De La Rosa is a Holistic Wellness Consultant, a lifelong recovery advocate for quality healthcare, improved social services and justice for all. Along with over 35 years of experience and extensive self-studies in the health, wellness and fitness industry as a former AFAA-certified group...
Published 08/09/23
Rebecca Whitman:
For over 20 years I've suffered from depression and anxiety, which in time led to morbid obesity and a house and mind full of a mountain of clutter.
From the first week I could feel I had worth. This program covers so many things that can teach you how to balance your life with...
Published 06/21/23