We're were digging around in the vault (Amazon Prime) and found some sci-fi TV of our past.  They weren't great, but damn - they were cool.  Join us as we crack a cold brew and dig into the the ancient shows of UFO and Space 1999.  
Published 09/29/21
There's no plan for this episode, as usual.  Except the beer.   However, we start with another essay by Issac Asimov that refers to an article in Harpers Magazine in September of 1939 by Bernard Devoto, a literary critic, called "Doom Beyond Jupiter".  Mr. Asimov did not seem to take well to Mr. Devoto's opinion of science fiction.   Join us as we begin our journey in to the realm of sci-fi at a point in time where sci-fi began to emerge as a part of our culture.   
Published 09/27/21
In this episode we talk old-school sci-fi and how important sci-fi is to our technological advancement, and dive into an essay written by Isaac Asimov that appeared in the April, 1957  issue of the Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction.  We also talk a little beer, a little culture, a little sci-fi and probably some rambling that will be completely entertaining.  The complete list of the Magazine of Fantasy and Sci-Fi PDF's of each edition can be downloaded via Google Drive by clicking...
Published 09/27/21