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巴塞尔艺术展(Art Basel)下周开幕!贝氏艺讯播客将接连推出两期艺术博览会专题,在本期中,Josh Baer将对谈参与创立Art Basel Miami Beach的Lauren Taschen和Frieze LA的创始总监Bettina Korek。在分享两大艺博会创始故事的同时,也聊到艺博会对艺术机构和整个艺术生态的重要意义、参观艺博会的注意事项、艺博会的公平性与透明度、艺博会如何应对数字化未来的挑战等议题。 第二期将于6月15日上线,贝氏艺讯总裁蒋璐阳将对谈全球历史最悠久的艺博会——科隆艺博会的总监Daniel Hug,以及上海ART021的联合创始人周大为。敬请期待! In this special two-part double episode of The Baer Faxt Podcast, we sit down with the people behind four different leading art fairs from around the globe: Lauren Taschen, who consulted on show management for Art Basel Miami Beach, Bettina Korek, the founding director of Frieze LA, Daniel Hug, the director of Art Cologne, and David Chau, the co-founder of art021.  In part 1, Josh Baer sits down with Lauren and Bettina, who each tell the story of the founding of their respective fairs, arguably the two most important fairs in the U.S. Lauren explains how Swiss and Latin cultures came together to create Art Basel Miami Beach, while Bettina explains how Frieze LA has made a transformative impact in the few years since its founding in 2019.  Now serving as CEO of the Serpentine galleries, Bettina also casts light on the surprisingly close-knit relationship between museums and art fairs.  Afterwards, Lauren and Josh offer their dos and don'ts for fair attendees, debate the balance between transparency and confidentiality in the selection committee for fair exhibitors, and look towards how art fairs will maintain their relevance in an ever-more digital future.  In part 2, we'll turn away from large international fairs to more local, regional models, going back to the very beginning with the director of the world’s oldest art fair, Art Cologne, and looking towards the future of Asia with the founder of Shanghai’s art021.
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贝氏艺讯播客上新!本期嘉宾是享誉全球的日本当代艺术家村上隆!  “去年十月末的一个清晨,我醒来时看到手机被消息和邮件刷屏:‘村上隆听了贝氏艺讯的播客,并在社交媒体上发表了评论!’ 我立刻登录去看了他那篇写给我们当月播客节目的嘉宾Jeff Poe简短而感情真挚的公开信。  Jeff Poe那期节目是很有意义的一次专访,尤其那是Jeff Poe在宣布离开他共同创立近30年的画廊后首次接受媒体采访。Jeff在他作为画廊主的生涯中合作过众多艺术家,村上隆无疑是最著名的一位。  在信中,村上隆写道:‘亲爱的Jeff Poe先生,我昨天听了您担任嘉宾的 (贝氏艺讯)...
Published 09/27/24
“自2023年3月贝氏艺讯播客开播以来,不知不觉间已经过去了一年半的时间。在这一年半间,我们的听众群不断地增长壮大。我无数次在走访不同国家的艺博会、拍卖会、或重要的艺术活动上会被艺术界的朋友或陌生人拦下并对我说:”我爱贝氏艺讯播客!”  作为一位30年前通过传真机发送newsletter创立贝氏艺讯的“老人家”,这对我是一种全新的体验:不得不说,在我们最初计划推出播客时我有些犹疑,但如今非常自豪,特别是听到团队告诉我,我们现在的听众已遍布全球138个国家。  艺术界暑假已然结束,又一个重要的秋日艺术季到来。我们认为这是一个很好的时机,通过回顾往期播客中的精彩片段来进行一些思考与探索。  ...
Published 09/27/24
Published 09/27/24