In the season finale of Beneath, Caleb has a surprising ally in the battle to defeat an ancient power and free Titanic’s trapped spirits. Caleb and Kate struggle to escape the Titanic wreckage before it collapses and sinks into the mud of the ocean floor. As the two escape to the surface in...
Published 10/31/23
We jump back to 1912 and the final hours of Titanic. Caleb’s great uncle PATRICK PEELS works with the mysterious MATILDA BANES to smuggle Babylonian artifacts. Patrick becomes more and more obsessed with his findings and Matilda reveals the true nature of the Titanic tragedy. As the ship sinks,...
Published 10/31/23
We learn the tragic fate of Bell’s first Titanic expedition as Kate has a violent encounter with the Russian sub’s undead pilot. After the explosions that sank Topside, Caleb manages to escape in Junior - a small, one-person sub to rescue Kate. Together, Kate and Caleb begin to unpack the...
Published 10/31/23