"Manik Babur Megh" defies conventional categorization, akin to Srijit Mukherji's Nirbak. It seamlessly transitions from slow cinema to thriller, comedy, and an unusual love story between a man and a cloud. With outstanding performances by Bratya Basu, Chandan Sen, and Devesh Roy Chowdhury, and...
Published 07/17/24
"Athhoi" impresses with its performance, dark comedy, and clever parallels between Othello and Iago, enhanced by notable camerawork and stylization. However, it suffers from poorly established characters, unclear motivations, a vague backdrop, excessive theatricality, and a repetitive treatment,...
Published 06/22/24
Boomerang stands out with its smart comedy and stellar performances from Sourav Das, Jeet, Kharaj Ambarish, Rajatava, and Shyamol Chakraborty. The graphics, action scenes, and sharp editing further enhance the film. However, Rukmini's performance disappoints, and the emotional aspects of the...
Published 06/10/24