Introducing Season 5 - Nurturing Conditions to co-create our better world...
Welcome to Season 5 of Better World Leaders! This season we shift our focus to nurturing conditions, following on our past two seasons of catalysing and sustaining change. Let's go a little deeper, into the foundational elements we need to cultivate in ourselves, our communities, societies and institutions in order to bring to life the better world we are striving to create.
I've been deeply honoured, energised and inspired to co-create incredibly insightful conversations with our guests this season, and here's a sneak peak at some of the conversations you can look forward to in this season;
•David Drake, Phd, pioneer of Narrative Coaching and Integrated Development on nurturing new ways of learning
•Professor Wayne Visser, on the range of elements we need to embrace to systemically transform into Thriving societies
•Lauren Tucker, on the role of developmental communities for systemic regeneration
•Hugh Mackay on why we need a Kindness revolution
•Charlotte Connell on climate action through nurturing scalable technologies
•Steve Moir on nurturing purpose and values to foster professional networks for collective climate action
•Ben Newsome on educating the leaders of tomorrow
I'm really looking forward to sharing each and everyone of these conversations, and more, as we move through this season.
As always, please join the Better World Leaders community in LinkedIn (link below) and share this and any of our episodes with someone who you believe would benefit from the wisdom contained therein.
Very rarely do we host guests who get in touch requesting an interview on Better World Leaders, however the nature of Christopher Marquis' note stood out and I'm delighted that we have somehow entangled to create this conversation.
Christopher is Sinyi Professor of Chinese Management at the...
Published 06/17/24
This conversation is as serious as it is playful, as practical in exploration of practice as it is theoretical in examination of a framework, and as generative a journey for me as a practictioner as it is fascinating as a podcaster! Welcome to the wonderful, rich and informative dialogue with...
Published 05/13/24