41 | Stop Your Dog’s Window Barking: Breakdown the Behavior and Be a Part of the Solution
Hey Dog Lover! 🐾
Is your dog "freaking out" at the window?
Tried treats to distract and still nothing?
Today, I’m taking you behind the scenes of my thought process on how to decode your dog's barking.(ooohhh scary! 😳)
We’ll explore what's really going on when your dog reacts to what's outside, and how you can BE a part of the conversation.
From my "go see and thank you" protocol to understanding why your dog might be barking in the first place, I’ll walk you through how to break down the behaviour and be a part of the solution. 🐕
Hope you enjoy this episode!
Talk later
Want more help understanding your fearful dog's behaviour? Consider joining the Fearful Dog Fearless Framework. (www.beyondobedience.ca/fearless)
Lots of support and Q&A inside the community.
Do you want me to help you decode your fearful dog's behaviour?
Let’s connect!
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